我都有同樣問題, but my sales answer is:
The price of HK$44,400 is calculated from the original price of Mickey set is HK$39,900 (as the price was increased on 7 Nov 2007) and the "optional part" of Storybook set is HK$4,500 for 5 books + 5CDs + 1 Right Light Pen (attached picture with the contents). There are 4 Storybooks are the summarized version from 12 books of Basic ABC stories and one Activities book to let children exercise their understanding of the story. However, similar and more relevant exercises can be found in Step by Step 24 DVDs.
I can also explain some more about your queries in 35's CD & Parent Guide books which you can see at the attached picture. Those are for the children to listen and practice the exercises. In the Step by Step DVD, Story & Songs CDs and Bedtime Review CDs are the new and user friendly version. Of course, both of them are very useful but anyway is now become the optional choices after the new launch of Step by Step. BTW, I have picked up the Zippy Singalong. Shall we have lunch tomorrow, I will call you at around 11:00am.