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MaMa2008 | 2008-03-16 23:49
Hi Jayden
可否send一份schedule給我? Thanks!
[email protected]
kithui | 2008-03-17 00:49
My BB will arrive in June. I am thinking whether the HK$29K package (w/o the main system) is sufficient. Is it necessary to buy the HK$39K or HK$49K package? I am concerned that a newer edition is released a few years later. Any comments/opinions?
熊仔仔媽咪 | 2008-03-17 09:47
Quote:原文章由 kithui 於 08-3-17 00:49 發表
My BB will arrive in June. I am thinking whether the HK$29K package (w/o the main system) is sufficient. Is it necessary to buy the HK$39K or HK$49K package? I am concerned that a newer edition is r ...

我買了 Super Micky Set , Play Along 和 Step by Step, 其他的沒有買. 因為這幾套都是每天會用, 故此一併買了. 至於其他的如電子書, 百寶箱等等都是額外的, 兼且是小朋友年紀大一些才懂得用, 就沒有買了.

用了一段時間, 覺得效果不錯. 但那些額外的電子書等等就應該暫不考慮了, 因為到時 bb 已經長大, 可以接收其他不同類型的教材, 毋須只限定是 DWE. 況且電子書等等在很多地方都有類似的產品, 也不用特定買DWE.
熊仔仔媽咪 | 2008-03-17 09:50
Quote:原文章由 kithui 於 08-3-17 00:49 發表
My BB will arrive in June. I am thinking whether the HK$29K package (w/o the main system) is sufficient. Is it necessary to buy the HK$39K or HK$49K package? I am concerned that a newer edition is r ...

呀, 原來你的 bb 在六月在出世呀, 如果你不是急著立即用的話, 大可以等 8 月 bb 展時才買吖, 因為到時會有較多贈品和優惠的.
yynicole | 2008-03-18 01:44
Hi Jayden,

我BB 2.5 YRS old.
Could you email the schedule to me?

[email protected]


Quote:原文章由 JaydenBB 於 07-9-17 23:20 發表
各位mommies, pls check email, 我send了schedule出去la :)

kylam | 2008-03-28 13:25
Hi Jayden,

Could you email the schedule to me? Thanks!

[email protected]
CAP | 2008-03-28 13:52
Hi Jayden,

Could you send me schedule to [email protected]

klntiger | 2008-04-02 11:12
Grateful if you could send me one as well. E-mail: [email protected] T.Y.

Quote:原文章由 JaydenBB 於 08-1-5 23:06 發表
hello, 各位媽咪, 由於太多媽咪request 要個schedule, 現在我將個excel schedule 簡化post 在此 for 大家reference. 注意, 使用方法有很多, 亦需要按bb年齡改動, 這schedule 只是我參考了consultant 及其他dwe 媽咪 ...

sylvia360 | 2008-04-02 13:20
Hi Jayden
可否send一份schedule給我? Thanks!
[email protected]
sennywoo | 2008-04-21 09:34
Quote:原文章由 熊仔仔媽咪 於 08-3-17 09:50 發表

呀, 原來你的 bb 在六月在出世呀, 如果你不是急著立即用的話, 大可以等 8 月 bb 展時才買吖, 因為到時會有較多贈品和優惠的.

但我聽顧問講, 5月會加價喎, 呢套教材只有加無減, 若真係有興趣買, 就唔會等啦...
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