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Pamfish | 2007-09-13 23:24
Hi Jayden,

Pls send to me at [email protected]
Gracebebe | 2007-09-15 22:25
Hi Jayden,

can you email the schedule to me? Thanks!

Quote:原文章由 JaydenBB 於 07-9-11 00:45 硐表
各位想參考個schedule的媽咪們, 麻煩pm你們的email給我, 因schedule是個word table. 個schedule係我參考了教育顧問的意見後自己訂的, 而且只valid for 1個月. 之後我會update schedule 內的 cds, vcds, cards and bo ...

bbkittybaby | 2007-09-16 22:51
Hi Jayden,

Could you email the schedule to me?

[email protected]

smallmomo | 2007-09-17 12:28
Hi Jayden BB,
Would u pls send DW schedule to me.

[email protected]

Tk u so much for yr great help in advance ;-) :lol: ;-)
sin_928 | 2007-09-17 19:10
hi jaydenbb n 熊仔仔媽咪,

may i know did u buy the whole set, i mean including step by step(ie. lets play set), im thinking of which set to buy, shall i buy the whole set including step by step or i can just buy one set without the step by step which is cheaper ... pls kindly advise, my bb is 5 months old now ...?-(
sin_928 | 2007-09-17 19:13
may i know which part have the "baby einstein 及tiny love (有隻識回應隻dvd的羊公仔陪他看)" ... i mean is it inside play along or sing along? or is it a toy or just a image in the dvd ...many thx

Quote:原文章由 JaydenBB 於 07-9-11 00:45 硐表
各位想參考個schedule的媽咪們, 麻煩pm你們的email給我, 因schedule是個word table. 個schedule係我參考了教育顧問的意見後自己訂的, 而且只valid for 1個月. 之後我會update schedule 內的 cds, vcds, cards and bo ...

大寶寶 | 2007-09-17 21:55
hi sin_928,

i think i can answer you this question,
i have bought the whole set including the step-by-step, my baby will be born at December 2007.

my opinion is not to buy the step-by-step yet, but you have to check the price for buying it later....

not that the content of Step-by-step is no good, but,

becasue i found that step-by-step is too advance , it is suppose for kids around age3-4 ka. Including DVD for the activities , and a blue drawer (quite large) and the material for artworks... no CDs for listening.

i now look at them and i am afraid they will update the content later in time which my baby will be using out-date verison at her age ...(hope not)

anyway, you should ask your consultant clearly ... about the price arrangement, they usually tell you if you choose to pay by installment, the step-by-step set can't pay like that unless you buy together with the whole...

that's their only point, cus you baby is too young for the step by step.

bythe way, if you know the price buying it seperately, pls tell me, ... i am considering to sell the Step-by-step...
JaydenBB | 2007-09-17 23:04
Hello Sin 928, pls check email :-P

I quite agreed with 大寶寶, in addition to that, i think my son will have far more choice than step by step when hes 4-5 yrs old. I bought the "Super Mickey" set, that is the set at $39900, without step by step.

"baby einstein 及tiny love (有隻識回應隻dvd的羊公仔陪他看)" is not part of DWE. They are what we have got before we bought DWE. but i must say i quite like Tiny Love cos its animation is very nice and my son still loves to watch it after these months. however, my son doesnt really like to watch play along already... :-|
JaydenBB | 2007-09-17 23:20
各位mommies, pls check email, 我send了schedule出去la :)
sin_928 | 2007-09-17 23:40
thank you very much to jaydenbb n 'tai bo bo" (sorry cant type chinese:hammer:)

may i know where can find the information of baby einstein 及tiny love please?

quote]原文章由 JaydenBB 於 07-9-17 23:04 硐表
Hello Sin 928, pls check email :-P

I quite agreed with 大寶寶, in addition to that, i think my son will have far more choice than step by step when hes 4-5 yrs old. I bought the "Super Mickey" set, ...

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