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monchuBB | 2008-07-30 15:19
Hi Jayden,
可否send一份schedule給我? 我囝囝而家10個月大,Thanks!

[email protected]
marjoriewong | 2008-07-31 10:46
I want to set a schedule for my maid to follow and would be grateful if you could share the schedule with me as well, my email is

[email protected]

Many many thanks
kiki1016 | 2008-08-05 15:56
could you pls email the schedule to me? my email is [email protected]
lorettalamlai | 2008-08-06 13:07
hello, would you please email the scheudle to me, please. Many Thanks. My email is [email protected]
ming2006 | 2008-08-06 14:46
Quote:原文章由 monchuBB 於 08-7-30 15:19 發表
Hi Jayden,
可否send一份schedule給我? 我囝囝而家10個月大,Thanks!

[email protected]

Pls send me a schedule for my kid. Thanks.
[email protected]
MIU公主 | 2008-08-07 13:46
Hi JaydenBB

你一定很忙了!我們等僅你個 schedule !

請PM我地啦 (of course, my email is: [email protected])!


Quote:原文章由 JaydenBB 於 07-10-3 01:17 發表
read your comments, they are very inspiring, thanks!!:loveliness: 玩cards的方法真的有很多呢, 可以好似你咁順住玩, 亦可以按category, 按alphabet字頭, 按sing along songs的內容等... 我估每樣方法同阿 ...

marjoriewong | 2008-08-08 09:46
Quote:原文章由 sin_928 於 07-9-17 19:13 發表
may i know which part have the "baby einstein 及tiny love (有隻識回應隻dvd的羊公仔陪他看)" ... i mean is it inside play along or sing along? or is it a toy or just a image in the dvd ...many thx


Baby Einstein and tiny love are two different products and are separate from the Disney set.
teason | 2008-08-13 08:58
可否email個schedule給我,先感謝你[[email protected]]
wingwingka | 2008-08-13 15:24
[email protected]
Fonniecheung | 2008-08-13 17:52
煩請 e-mail 個 schedule 比我吖!
[email protected]

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