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A-Mum | 2014-03-26 14:08
回覆 palmchristy 的帖子 Thanks! 我仲有個仔小五,佢都好鍾意何紫,更喜歡阿濃套點心集,其他就多數睇台灣書,選擇多好多,不過好貴
HKTHK | 2014-03-26 17:24
回覆 A-Mum 的帖子 差不多的還有小魯出版的我自己讀的童話書、小兵出版社的故事百匯、屬鼠藍和屬鼠灰、國語日報也有很多這方面的出品
A-Mum | 2014-03-26 19:38
回覆 HKTHK 的帖子 Thanks! 國語日報嘅書有買咗,不過未睇到 :wahaha:,有條好長嘅隊
HKTHK | 2014-03-27 10:35
回覆 A-Mum 的帖子 Same here! So many books lying around that I doubt they will read all of them. I now only buy one or two books from a series. They will have to borrow from school if they want more!
A-Mum | 2014-03-28 09:18
回覆 HKTHK 的帖子 I always encourage them to borrow books too. My habbit now is whenever they ask me to buy a book, I search the library webpages immediately. Won't buy whatever can be borrowed. But the books at their school fairs are so new, I don't think libraries will have them till more than six months later.
My girl was borrowing 大偵探福爾摩斯 from school. But after sharing it in class, her friends are now reading the series too and all the books are gone. End up I have to buy those too. Lucky we don't have to buy English paperbacks, I really don't know where I can put them!

HKTHK | 2014-03-28 16:36
回覆 A-Mum 的帖子 Just bought a new bookcase and books are still all over the living room's floor! We have an annual book swap at school so that once the younger one reads some of these books, we can get rid of them and swap for others.
BTW, can you tell me the publisher of 大偵探福爾摩斯? I can't find it on the HKPL website

A-Mum | 2014-03-28 18:03
回覆 HKTHK 的帖子 The 大偵探福爾摩斯s are from 正文社, but I'm afraid they aren't available from public libraries, otherwise we would have made bookings. If your boy is sure that he likes them, buying many at a time from the publisher can be much cheaper.
My kids finally agreed to give away their Mr. Men etc kindergarten books. But the space is quickly filled up by the new books and new board games. But it's worth it. The Khet laser game is marvellous. I remember you like board games, do try it some time! :wahaha:

dontaskme | 2014-03-28 23:01
回覆 A-Mum 的帖子 my son just started to read 大偵探福爾摩斯. he knew it from a magazine 兒童的科學.... we just bought 1 from the book store. Badly, this series is not available in HKPL. :thinking:

HKTHK | 2014-03-28 23:11
回覆 A-Mum 的帖子 Thanks! Will try the laser game. We haven't been playing as much board games, probably should!
huba | 2014-03-29 00:01
Quote:原帖由 dontaskme 於 14-03-28 發表
回覆 A-Mum 的帖子 my son just started to read 大偵探福爾摩斯. he knew it from a magazine 兒童的科學 ...
If we think this series of books should be made available in public library, let's action and fill in a form to suggest it to HK public library in the next visit.

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