熊仔仔媽咪 | 2007-10-03 00:22 |
JaydenBB | 2007-10-03 01:17 |
QK: read your comments, they are very inspiring, thanks!!:loveliness: 玩cards的方法真的有很多呢, 可以好似你咁順住玩, 亦可以按category, 按alphabet字頭, 按sing along songs的內容等... 我估每樣方法同阿仔玩一頭半個月都可以玩到幾歲:lol Bed-time Reviews我是每晚阿仔差不多:sleep: 著時,開細細聲給他聽. spoken version 有次我自己聽到 :sleep: !! 有mami建議如果阿b 唔肯:sleep: 可以開比佢聽悶到佢:sleep: !!:-) 你的mozart是否 mozart effect 一套4隻cd? 佢website 話第1隻cd 第2 and 7 首對bb brain development 最好. 熊仔仔媽咪: totally agreed!一定要持之以恒先有成效.我哋呢到有幾個bb都差唔多大 (Jayden剛9mths), 我哋應會差唔多時間見到成果, 共勉之! 你知否幾時仲有bb show 呢? 各位mamis 請check emails, send 了schedule比你們參考, 比d comments ar;-) ian 媽媽: 請問套gc 幾$$$呢? 可在邊度買? thanks! vinell: u've got twins!? wah, 你買dwe真係低番哂!!:-) |
kayingivy | 2007-10-03 17:55 |
熊仔仔媽咪, 好慚愧,Ian未出世已買左套dwe,不過一直無set time table,係早前問JaydenBB拎左個schedule參考,先發現原來買左唔少教材(e.g.dwe、apple tree、baby can read、gc o既數點、三字經同英文flash card,還有其他bb書:-o ),都係Ian噚日9個月大先開始實行個schedule,暫時都ok,不過下午個play time同nap time就成日調轉(因為Ian成日係床仔個幾兩個鐘先肯nap:tongue: ),apple time暫時唔會用住(貪平買左先),要等佢大d識自己拎筆先用,gc flash card就分早、午、晚用,每次都三種card一齊,今日見佢都ok,其他dwe同baby can read o既dvd and cd同會同佢隔日用,每個月都換一次level,佢daddy放假就係break day:-) ,果日係屋企就會求其播 套三字經你可選廣東話版or國語版,另可加錢買另一隻,因為我怕廣東話都未必讀得好,所以要廣東話先,遲d先再買國語版,佢好似岩岩先開完倉,應該無咁快會再有big sale:tongue: JaydenBB, http://www.gc.hk/index_main.php, 你可以去呢度睇下,上佢地寫字樓,有好多教材,我唔方便講我買左幾錢(sorry:adore: ),我一次左買三套(英文、三字經同數點),你join做會員好似有得平d,到Ian 1歲會再買gc phonics,因為我知gc出o既野係專針對dwe(佢地有人以前係dwe做過),佢地會話我知要買邊d來補dwe缺少o既野 [ 本文章最後由 kayingivy 於 07-10-3 17:57 編輯 ] |
llb | 2007-10-03 19:11 |
Jayden BB, I have just bought a set of DWE for my 3-month-old baby, may i have a copy of your schedule for reference too? here's my email: ![]() |
熊仔仔媽咪 | 2007-10-03 20:45 |
嘩 Ian 媽咪, 你好犀利, 買咗咁多套教材俾 bb. 你自己係咪全職媽咪, 可以有咁多時間每日同 bb 玩咁多嘢? 好佩服. 我自己要返工, 真係好靠個工人同我媽咪 & 奶奶幫手同 bb 玩. 暫時我只係俾 bb 用 Disney, 主要係聽 CD, 玩咭咭同睇書書, DVD 都少睇住. 本來我爭取朝早同 bb 玩一次 flash card, 夜晚收工又玩一次, 但後來睇過有蒙特梭利的教師話太早玩 flash card 唔好, 咁自己又懶就冇繼續啦. 我又貪得意買咗本日語發聲書俾 bb 玩, 佢又當玩具玩吓. 我並唔係想 bb 成為超人, 所以我冇勉強一定要花好多時間學習, 反而我希望佢有足夠時間去活動吓, 去會所玩一陣, 學吓坐, 學吓反身等等. 希望佢每日都可以開開心心咁玩吓學吓嘢, 我已經好開心啦. 話時話, 我今日睇報紙見到介紹一套 Clifford Red Dog 的品德 VCD, 共 10 隻 VCD, 80+ 個小故事, 有雙語 (英語/普通話), $199. 我都有少少心郁郁想買嚟玩吓. |
wansammylothian | 2007-10-04 01:50 |
Dear JaydenBB, can u plz also email me the schedule? ![]() THANKS~;-) |
kayingivy | 2007-10-04 12:01 |
JaydenBB | 2007-10-04 13:55 |
agreed w/ Ian 媽 媽! im a working mum, but i have just been a fulltime mom for 10 days (cos my helper went back to phillippines for holidays). I found that my day were crazily busy, and i tried very hard in order to stick to the schedule i set our for Jayden. Lucky i received help from my mother-in-law and husband. The time table was for my helper to follow, but i will insist on watching Play along and read books to Jayden everyday myself. I have got the Apple Tree as well ( i bought it b4 i bought DWE). I also got Winner the Pooh Frist Reader set and Mrs and misses (德育stories) as gifts. Apple Tree is good too cos it got 40 e索寓言的德育stories +japanese + mandarin learning. However, i think Apple Tree is more suitable for bigger toddlers, say 2 years or above. it not until then they will understand the stories and how to use the smart pen. so i will wait for a while before letting Jayden use it. Clifford Red Dog 的品德 VCD, 共 10 隻 VCD, 80+ 個小故事, 有雙語 (英語/普通話), $199.... 好似好底wor8-) 不過唔知好唔好leh? |
熊仔仔媽咪 | 2007-10-04 13:56 |
熊仔仔媽咪 | 2007-10-04 14:13 |
Jayden 媽咪/ Ian 媽咪, DWE 11/20 有個活動, 你哋會唔會去? 我 sign up 咗, 佢哋話係俾 d 用咗套教材個零兩個月的家長參加的. |