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sin_928 | 2007-10-10 11:45
dear all momies?

do u think is worth to buy DWE? i went to their show room to look at the item yesterday, i like it but of cousre expensive la, the sales told me was $39000, but i find out that it miss out "story book with right-light activity item" it costs me another $4500, therefore totally $43500, it makes me not really comfortable so i couldnt make the decision to buy it yesterday ..........of course i love the whole set, but still thinking thinking and thinking ...... any suggestion for me .... one of my friend want to sell her set to me, of course dont have membership la ... is the membership very important??? or i should buy a new whole set for my baby .... pls kindly give suggestion la ....... thank you thank you thank you :adore: :adore: :adore:
JaydenBB | 2007-10-10 22:12
熊仔仔媽咪, 係呀, d bb好鍾意mickey把曾志偉聲:L ! e, 咁 熊仔仔 對mickey真係情有所鍾, if 遲d 你帶佢disneyland 佢一定好happy! 係呀, bb 0-6 歲真係好重要, 基本上奠定咗佢以後的人格發展! 有時同jayden玩 cards時佢會爬來爬去, 呢幾日我玩cards時就放佢係bubble seat, 佢就乖乖咁watch the cards la, instead of "lin chao" 哂d cards.

sin: i think membership is important becos: you can change the books/cards/cds when they wear out, you can join telephone english and other activities and workshops. i have joined 6yrs membership for Jayden in one goal:D a lot of mommies here bought the super mickey set at $39000 and its good enough already for toddlers up to 4-5 years (how old is your baby?). how much is ur friend selling you the DWE for? in my opinion, if its less than half prices, e.g. under $1.5K and your baby is over 2 years (wont bite and tear off books and cards so often), its worth to buy as a supplementary material.
qk347 | 2007-10-10 23:37
I also think membership is very important and the Super Mickey set is good enough already for baby:-)

我都有開部分play along的玩具俾個女玩,佢都好鍾意,但當佢睇緊play along dvd時,用玩具同佢玩,佢就會只顧搶樣玩具,唔俾佢就會忟憎:Q ,最鐘意人同佢玩做動作up and down, dancing, peekaboo, running, clap your hands........玩完我都累:L ,有時見佢悶就唱歌俾佢,佢就會笑:loveliness:
我同佢玩cards,佢又只顧搶cards和塊紅綠膠片,搶左就掉左去:tongue: ,但我都唔理照繼續:-)
你地有冇用game cards呢?我有玩過,不過玩玩下發覺字同talk along cards重複,所以冇用了?-(
sin_928 | 2007-10-11 01:55
thank you all mummy:-P ... my baby is six months now, i think i will buy a new set as u all suggest that membership is very important, buy how much does it cost to buy (eg. 6 yrs) membership ... i know is $1560 per year ... quite alot too ... we still need to pay until bb is 4 to 5 yrs old :oops: ... anyway hope we can join together as our baby are same age, we have be friends lei ... hehe ... so u suggest no need to buy the "story-book and right-light activity part" is thinking of this part, but only 4-5 bks plus 4cd as i remember its seem doesnt worth $4500 which is i do not feel comfortable with as the sales didnt tell me b4, i my heart just feel i just miss out something even i pay $39000 to buy the super micky set(which i think is whole set apart from lets play ... sad) anyway i will probably go n buy it these few day(i wish i can make a choice to buy n have enough money, cos im the only one to pay for the whole set:-( ) ... hope i did make a right choice for my sweet heart!!!) ......... good luck n add oil :weapon: ....:P
熊仔仔媽咪 | 2007-10-11 09:35
Quote:原文章由 sin_928 於 07-10-11 01:55 硐表
thank you all mummy:-P ... my baby is six months now, i think i will buy a new set as u all suggest that membership is very important, buy how much does it cost to buy (eg. 6 yrs) membership ... i kn ...


除咗價錢的考慮因素之外, 當然其他媽咪所講的會籍亦好重要. 你可以免費更換或維修破損的教材 (玩具/貼紙等不包括在內) , 另外我覺得比較重要的係原裝買 DWE 可保証版本係最 updated 的. 據我所知, 有部分教材係今年新的, 我仲有幾套 DVD/CD 要年底先攞到手. 我都知市面上有好多二手 DWE, 但係你諗吓, 一般家長都會最少用幾年先至賣, 但係往往幾年後套教材已經有某 d 部分係 update 咗的, 即係話市面上的二手貨係幾年前的嘢, 又冇人跟進 (姑勿論個顧問好唔好, 最低限度仲有間公司可以俾你問嘢), 咁其實套二手教材同其他的教材冇咩分別, 只係父母自己揣摩點用, 點教 bb. 如果係咁的話, 真係要好平好抵先值得買囉. 否則的話, 咁貴買一套教材返嚟, 又唔知點用, 可能冇咩效果跟住就放棄, 豈不是嘥哂?

你個 bb 仲細, 得 6 個月 (我個 bb 都係差不多), 我建議你先買套 $3900 Super Micky + Step by Step 啦, 其他的等 bb 大少少先再買, 反正到時分分鐘又有新版本, 係貴少少啫. 會籍方面, 由於你 bb 只有 6 個月, 通常 DWE 會幫你延遲第一年的年籍, 直至 bb 足 1 歲大先開始. 之後的會籍係逐年交的, Jayden 媽咪一次交 6 年, 我唔知詳情呀. 如果你有懷疑或暫時未有信心, 唔駛咁心急即刻交錢吖, 等用咗一排之後先諗囉. 會籍除咗可以俾你更換同維修之外, 仲可以參加活動, 當然好多都要俾錢啦 (如 playgroup, massage class, 旅行等等), 亦有免費的項目, 例如家長交流會 (會籍生效後先可參加), 家傭班, 免費電話美語 (一個月 2 次)等等. 以上資料係我的顧問話我聽的, 以及我從佢哋 d 月刊知道的. 你有疑問的話, 記得問清楚你個顧問呀.

我仲想提你呀, 你同 DWE 買的時候, 記得問吓有咩贈品呀. 我知道喺書展同 bb 展買會有好多嘢送. 我喺 bb 展買就送咗一個 Micky 木書架同 2 套蒙特梭利玩具, 我知書展就送書架同 Zippy & Me. 我唔知平時同 DWE 買會有咩優惠, 你記得問清楚, 就算佢話唔得都盡量爭取呀. d 顧問為咗想做成生意, 應該會就範架.
熊仔仔媽咪 | 2007-10-11 09:43
Quote:原文章由 qk347 於 07-10-10 23:37 硐表
I also think membership is very important and the Super Mickey set is good enough already for baby:-)

我都有開部分play along的玩具俾個女玩,佢都好鍾意,但當佢睇緊play along dvd時,用玩具同佢玩,佢 ...


我諗大家 bb 的反應都好類似, 鍾意搶 d 咭, 整縐佢, 然後掉咗佢! 我個仔鍾意睇故事書, 自己會不停想揭本書, 又係搞到本書縐哂! 我有同 bb 玩 game card 呀, d 內容的確同故事書/咭咭等重覆, 我諗係故意的, 希望加深個小朋友的記憶啩. 我當係 flash card 或普通字咭同 bb 玩囉. 你個 bb 鍾唔鍾意 d poster? 我個 bb 見親張 poster 都好開心, 有時坐喺梳化, 遠遠見到張 poster 就喺度笑.
sin_928 | 2007-10-11 12:43
thank you mommies,

i think i will go n buy it tomolo, but of course need to ask what they can give me for extra, but i dont think i can get as much as u do, cos i didnt buy it in fair lei ... poor me :-( ... anyway i will find out tomolo .... thx :lol:
JaydenBB | 2007-10-12 14:47
jayden 的6年會籍是這樣得來的:

買dwe時送1年會籍, consultant幫我哋postpone個會籍由jayden1歲開始, 即jayden足兩歲前membership都係free. 另外買dwe一段時間內政部(好似是30日內)可買membership package (2,4,6,10年), 我買了4年約$5700 (送了telephone english and Zippy sing along),所以jayden足6歲前都有membership la. 我覺得dwe如果用到6年都唔怕浪費lu.:)

未同jayden玩game cards, 我以為要大d (e.g. 2歲) 先玩? jaydden好鍾意玩up and down, 時時同佢玩我而家都大隻咗ar!
JaydenBB | 2007-10-12 20:39
各位mami: 我今日買咗一隻有10+首popular ge 兒歌cd, 有青蛙媽媽, 世上只有ma ma 好等的 廣東話, 國語及國語朗誦版. 打算每日比Jayden聽小小. 另外買了兩套中文子cards比佢睇 (很平實的cards, only $20+ 一套, 鍾意佢d 圖畫用實物). 有朋友reminded我: 中文都好important ga! ;-)
sin_928 | 2007-10-15 00:59
where to buy lei?
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