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sin_928 | 2007-10-16 12:03
i bought "tiny love&識回應隻dvd的羊公仔" but how to activity the toy lei, the blue light is still blinking .... cant play with it lei ??? :cry:
JaydenBB | 2007-10-16 19:55
Hi Sin

make sure that the volume is not too soft, then bring the lamb close to the speakers. there is a flamingo at the very very beginning of the video, making some "chi chi" sound. the doll should be activated after the flamingo has walked past.

have u bought DWE finally?
sin_928 | 2007-10-16 22:20
i have already tried so many time, but still doesnt work, therefore i will take it back to 'toy r us' lei ....... finally ... i think i will buy english time rather than DWE la, cos i have seen both material, i finally find that the content of english time seem better than DWE, even tho' english time's cartoon is not that good looking, but my hushand like the content better ............. therefore i think i will go with english time la ..... what a pity that i cant join u mummy :cry: ........but we can still keep in touch ar :-P ... hope i did make a right choice for my bb la :lol:
JaydenBB | 2007-10-17 00:26
Quote:原文章由 sin_928 於 07-10-16 22:20 硐表
i have already tried so many time, but still doesnt work, therefore i will take it back to 'toy r us' lei ....... finally ... i think i will buy english time rather than DWE la, cos i have seen both ...

At first i couldnt sychronise the doll with the DVD too, i thought it got a problem but then my hubby changed the HI FI status into "stereo" instead of the one with surrounds. Then he switched on the doll, play the DVD and put the doll in right in front of the speakers when the Flamingo was walking at the beginning of the video, then it worked! and its so much fun, even now Jayden loves it still! when he watched it yesterday, he hugged the doll (it is Tickle the Lamb) and rested his head on the lamb's head when watching the video in his bumble seat :-)
熊仔仔媽咪 | 2007-10-17 11:08
Quote:原文章由 sin_928 於 07-10-16 22:20 硐表
i have already tried so many time, but still doesnt work, therefore i will take it back to 'toy r us' lei ....... finally ... i think i will buy english time rather than DWE la, cos i have seen both ...


我都有聽講 English Times 的內容好紥實, 你買俾囡囡都好吖, 你都係想買最好的嘢俾 bb 啫. 我哋買咗唔同教材的媽咪可以保持聯絡, 互相比較 bb 的進度吖 ;-)
sin_928 | 2007-10-17 14:24
yeah!!! thank you!

hope that i made a right choice for my bb la:-P
Gracebebe | 2007-10-18 09:51
Hi Jayden mami,

can you send the schedule to me for reference, my email: [email protected].

thanks a lot.

I also bought DWE when my baby one month (July 07), my consultant suggest, change one series after 2 month. Now my baby Ryan listen the CD only every day.

Quote:原文章由 JaydenBB 於 07-9-8 11:49 硐表
:) 我的consultant比的意見同熊仔仔媽咪的差不多, 不過有以下可補充, 大家可依bb的進度作參考:

Sing Along
* 另一用法是: 第一先用藍色, 然後第二用綠色, 第三用青色, 第四用黃色. 每個color系列不用over 3個月, ...

moominmo | 2007-10-18 11:53
Hi JaydenBB,
我都想參考個schedule, 可以 e 比我嗎? tks!!
my email : [email protected]

Quote:原文章由 JaydenBB 於 07-9-11 00:45 硐表
各位想參考個schedule的媽咪們, 麻煩pm你們的email給我, 因schedule是個word table. 個schedule係我參考了教育顧問的意見後自己訂的, 而且只valid for 1個月. 之後我會update schedule 內的 cds, vcds, cards and bo ...

moominmo | 2007-10-18 11:55
Hi JaydenBB,我都想參考個schedule, 可以 e 比我嗎? tks!!
my email :
[email protected]

Quote:原文章由 JaydenBB 於 07-9-11 00:45 硐表 各位想參考個schedule的媽咪們, 麻煩pm你們的email給我, 因schedule是個word table. 個schedule係我參考了教育顧問的意見後自己訂的, 而且只valid for 1個月. 之後我會update schedule 內的 cds, vcds, cards and bo ...

super8 | 2007-10-19 01:04
Hi JaydenBB,

I'd like to have the schedule as well. Would u please email to me [email protected]

thanks. :adore:

Quote:原文章由 moominmo 於 07-10-18 11:55 硐表
Hi JaydenBB,我都想參考個schedule, 可以 e 比我嗎? tks!!
my email :
[email protected]

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