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busydaddy | 2016-12-18 13:21
Quote:maymay321 發表於 16-12-18 12:28 美人會參加家長活動嗎?很多名人都難有正常社交。。。

佢地既正常等於一般人的不正常。 你真的想跟他們一起參加活動嗎?

Avig | 2016-12-18 13:44
[i=s] 本帖最後由 Avig 於 16-12-18 14:07 編輯 [/i] She has been very active at DBS' event these few months for obvious reasons, but I am not sure if parents would want to see or associate with her. She is not as welcomed as people think also for obvious reasons at DBS.

I believe some parents at DBS have high integrity and rather stay away from her.
iamiris | 2016-12-18 13:52
Quote:WiZ 發表於 16-12-18 11:50 佢家姐個仔讀邊間你都知?犀利喎!


retriever | 2016-12-18 13:55
Quote:Avig 發表於 16-12-18 13:44 She has been very active at DBS' event these few months for obvious reasons, but I am not sure if pa ...

雖然我多鍾意李大美人。 但唔覺得要 stay away咁誇。。

Avig | 2016-12-18 14:02
[i=s] 本帖最後由 Avig 於 16-12-18 14:05 編輯 [/i] Quote:retriever 發表於 16-12-18 13:55

但唔覺得要 stay away咁誇。。

whether the specific DBS parents want to stay away or closer to these "偽人" highly correlates to their own shallowness or sophistication - lol. Some people love reading NEXT magazine while some others hate it. It's a free world.

My friend who is one of them at DBS definitely want to stay away from her, which I believe is a right choice for his kids in terms of the family/moral values that they are going to grow up with.

Angelice-BeBe | 2016-12-21 10:20
Quote:kbi 發表於 16-12-13 17:38 收嗰個唔係李小姐個仔,係許世勲個孫。


explorerhk | 2016-12-21 11:25
Quote:Avig 發表於 16-12-13 18:01 令人想起689機場行李門,P1入學都係特權. welcome to HK. 恭喜恭喜

全世界到到都係咁架啦, 淨係香港係咁咩。

yummivio | 2016-12-21 18:28
回覆 explorerhk 的帖子 認同:good:

saralilina | 2016-12-21 23:37
回覆 kbi 的帖子 :good:

joejoe828 | 2016-12-22 10:56
李+欣&許生 捐泳池喎


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