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sammysnake | 2013-11-02 17:08
我同你一樣,都有WKF offer,培橋second in,個人喜歡WKF多一點
Christi | 2013-11-02 17:10
I would pick wfk instead of pk

HappiMom | 2013-11-02 17:48

granddelsol | 2013-11-02 17:56
上年培僑到暑假都無call waiting, 相反WKF 不停地call , 連之前只有first in的都call, 你可知那間比較受歡迎吧!

tarepanda | 2013-11-02 18:10
Quote:原帖由 All_is_well 於 13-11-02 發表
不過見培僑泳池果邊附近有座電塔, 唔多唔少有d心理考慮.

bearbearsnake | 2013-11-02 18:10
I went to the open days of both school this year and observed that the English standard of students from WKF is pretty much strong than Piu Kiu and they seems to have more confident to talk and express their views. On the other hand, I think the overall Chinese standard will be stronger at Piu Kiu due to its background. The choice is depends on what you want to acquire for your kids...

HappiMom | 2013-11-02 18:12
我對兩間都下熟悉,不過好似培橋學費真的平宜不少! 另,今日好似WKF 公佈收生名單,是嗎?

Jessiechow720 | 2013-11-02 18:52
回復 HappiMom 的帖子 Dec 2 公佈
ozoz | 2013-11-02 19:18
我對pk無乜意見亦無留意,至於WKF,我有幾多鄰居街坊讀,感覺低年班(初小)英文比高年班(中學)流利好多好多。至於品德,暫時眼見班WKF 中學生正正常常,頭髮行為等等都ok,無見食煙加粗口。

HappiMom | 2013-11-02 19:24

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