littlehipo | 2008-07-03 21:54 |
Dear all, Please check your email.:lover: Good night! |
littlehipo | 2008-07-03 22:07 |
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littlehipo | 2008-07-03 22:08 |
[table=98%] *紅色部份是家長自行刪改的內容 XXXXXX小學校長: 本人乃XXXX之家長。小兒 / 小女將於本年九月入讀小學一年級。小兒 / 小女曾於「自行收生」及「統一派位」兩階段嘗試報讀貴校,均未如願取錄。(先前曾親手送上三封信給校長,可惜迄今未有回音,所以特別再致函校長)現特來函,期盼面提教晦,賜予機會,與小兒 / 小女進行面試,以便 校長閣下能對他 / 她有更深刻認識。 本人一直對 貴校之辦學方針推崇備至,既著重學生的學業,又兼顧學生在課餘的發展,對德育培訓亦重視有加。本人曾多次在公眾場合遇上 貴校學生,他們均表現得謙遜有禮,面上更是充滿好比陽光燦爛般笑容。校長閣下與一眾教職員對教育事業俱有滿腔熱誠,作育英材,實為社會之幸。若小兒 / 小女有幸獲 閣下惜才,到 貴校接受教育,這對小兒之成長實在有莫大益處。 小兒 / 小女資質實屬不差,勸奮主動,若能獲得校長及 貴校老師啟蒙,定必能造出顯著成就。在學業方面,小兒 / 小女尤其喜愛 中、英文書法 環節;另一方面,小兒 / 小女亦屬生性好動的孩子,熱愛 足球及舞蹈,曾多次出外參與表演,在課外活動方面亦參加了 英語唱遊及珠心算。若小兒 / 小女能有幸入讀 貴校,小兒 / 小女在這方面的潛能定能得到悉心栽培及發揮。 本人誠懇希望 校長大人能賜與小兒 / 小女機會和支持。隨函附上小兒 / 小女之成績表、歷年獲頒之獎狀及幼稚園校長對小兒 / 小女之推薦信副本,敬希卓裁。若有任何遺漏,煩請 閣下致電 XXXXXXXX 與本人聯絡。 敬祝 教安 XXXX 家長 XXXX 謹上 二零零 年 月 日 |
littlehipo | 2008-07-03 22:09 |
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littlehipo | 2008-07-03 22:10 |
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littlehipo | 2008-07-03 22:12 |
[table=98%] XXXX小學校長: 素聞 貴校校風淳樸,辦學嚴謹,懷作育英才之抱負,致力推動德智體群四育,學生表現出類拔萃,在社會及學界備受稱譽,本人十分欽佩。 上月適值 貴校開放日,本人偕小兒 / 小女XXXX到校參觀,深感 貴校學生知書達禮,才藝兼備,教師教導有方,乃一秉持崇高教學理念之優良學府。小兒 / 小女將於明年九月升讀小學,本人冀盼小兒 / 小女能入讀 貴校,接受全人教育。小兒 / 小女年幼時已參加XXXX幼稚園舉辦之學前輔導課程,得以增進知識,培養自信及合群性格。小兒 / 小女聰敏好學,對語言、藝術尤具天分,學業成績一直名列前茅。 貴校一向重發展多元教學,培訓學生兩文三語能力;跨學科教學更充分發展學生潛能。倘若小兒 / 小女有幸在 貴校接受啟蒙訓練,定必獲益良多。 本人認同子女之成長發展,有賴家長與學校攜手合作。知悉 貴校早年已成立家長會,如小兒 / 小女獲 貴校取錄,本人樂意參與家校活動,與學校共同肩負孩子成長發展之責任。 隨函附上小兒 / 小女就讀幼稚園之成績單及個人資料,懇請察閱。如蒙 貴校給予入讀機會,小兒 / 小女定當勤奮向學,謹遵校長與老師之諄諄教誨,日後貢獻社會,為 貴校爭光,以報悉心栽培之恩。 敬頌 道安 XXXX家長 XXXX 謹上 二零零 年 月 日 |
littlehipo | 2008-07-03 22:13 |
自 薦 信 from Apple daily 20070811 窗体顶端 小 一 入 學自 薦 信 範 例 [size=13.5pt]自 薦 信 中 文 版 尊 敬的 校 長 : 一 直 以 來 , 本 人 十 分 敬 佩 貴 校 在 教 育 社 會 楝 樑 方 面 的 成 就 。 貴 校 的 學 生 往 往 給 人 一種 謙 遜 、 乖 巧 的 感 覺 。 上 次 幸 與 小 兒 / 小 女 ( 名 字 ) 參 觀 貴 校開 放 日 時 , 學 生 們 知 書 識 禮 的 表 現 令 人 印 象 深 刻 。 同 時 , 本 人 亦 非 常 認 同 貴 校 採 取 全 方 位學 習 法 , 透 過 不 同 的 主 題 及 活 動 擴 闊 學 生 的 知 識 領 域 。 貴 校 堅 持 以 學 生 為 本 的 宗 旨 , 不 斷研 究 引 入 有 效 的 教 學 法 , 並 盡 力 發 揮 發 生 潛 能 , 一 直 讓 本 人 嚮 往 不 已 。 小 兒 / 小 女 將 於 明 年 的 九 月 展 開 人 生 的 另 一 階 段 的 學 習 歷程 。 在 眾 多 學 校 中 , 本 人 與 小 兒 / 小 女 均 視 貴 校 為 首 選 。 為 了配 合 貴 校 學 生 的 發 展 方 面 , 小 兒 / 小 女 女 自 幼 便 選 讀 一 些 優 質的 課 程 以 增 廣 見 聞 , 從 而 亦 培 養 他 / 她 的 自 信 心 和 合 群 性 。 小 兒 / 小 女 個 性 活 潑 , 本 身 也 具 備 不 錯 的 語 言 天 份 , 她 喜 歡 閱 讀 , 尤 其 是 英文 和 科 學 類 的 書 籍 。 我 深 信 小 兒 / 小 女 的 特 質 和 潛 能 如 果 能 夠 與 優 質 的 教 育 結合 起 來 , 將 為 貴 校 帶 來 相 得 益 彰 的 效 果 。 希 望 貴 校 能 撥 冗 面 試 小 兒 / 小 女 入 讀 貴 校 的 資 格 , 讓 他 / 她 有 機 會 度 過 一 個 充 實快 樂 的 小 學 生 活 。 本 人 隨 函 附 上 小 女 x x x 的 履 歷 表 以 供 參 考 。 敬 祝 教 安 x x x 家 長 x x x 敬 上 x 年 x 月 x 日 |
littlehipo | 2008-07-03 22:14 |
[size=13.5pt]自 薦 信 英文 版 Dear Principal, Please excuse me for this unexpected letter expressing the eagerness of mine and my son/daughter for the education offered by the XXX Primary School. My son/daughter and I are very much impressed by the education offered by your school which stresses a balanced and all-rounded development of one's potential. The school is so renowned for its academic and extra-curricular activities standing that all parents would like to have their children educated in such a sounding environment. I am sure my son/daughter will obtain great benefit if he/she is with the XXX. And follows his/her own initiative in learning and being diligent. Though he/she might not have done as well as others, he/she is likely to show great progress if some form of enlightenment is given by someone who is a real educationalist. I would be most grateful if my son/daughter could be given an interview with the Principal so that you may obtain a more comprehensive understanding of my son/daughter. Copies of my son/daughter's school reports, certificates and testimonials are enclosed for your consideration. Regards, Yours sincerely, XXXXXXXXXXX |
littlehipo | 2008-07-03 22:15 |
[table=98%] *紅色部份是家長自行刪改的內容 Dear Principal, Please excuse me for this unexpected letter expressing the eagerness of my son / daughter 陳大文 (Chan Tai-Man) for the education offered by the XXXX Primary School. [size=12.0pt]My son / daughter[size=12.0pt] and I are very much impressed by the education offered by your school which stresses a balanced and all-rounded development of one’s potential. The school is so renowned for its academic and extra-curricular activities standing that all parents would like to have their children educated in such a sounding environment. I attribute the success solely to the devotion and enthusiasms by the Principal and every members of the school. The XXXX Primary School really makes a difference. I am sure my son / daughter will obtain great benefit if he / she is with the XXXX Primary School. And follows his / her own initiative in learning and being diligent. Though he / she might not have done as well as others, he / she is likely to show great progress if some form of enlightenment is given by someone who is a real educationalist. Moreover, my son / daughter is humble, pure and hardworking. He / She love reading, drawing and playing piano. He / She also joins the chapel master in school and obtains some performances. I believe that my son / daughter could receive a high-quality education, the best development and happy school life if he / she could be educated in your school. My sincere hope that Principal could give us support. For more understanding of my son / daughter, copies of his / her school reports, certificates and testimonials are enclosed for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks for your kind attention. Regards, Yours truly, ___________________________ |
littlehipo | 2008-07-03 22:16 |
Dear Principal, Please excuse me for this unexpected letter expressing the eagerness of mine and my son / daughter for the education offered by the XXXX Primary School. My son / daughter and I are very much impressed by the education offered by your school which stresses a balanced and all-rounded development of one’s potential. The school is so renowned for its academic and extra-curricular activities standing that all parents would like to have their children educated in such a sounding environment. I attribute the success solely to the devotion and enthusiasms by the Principal and every members of the school. The XXXX Primary School really makes a difference. I am sure my son / daughter will obtain great benefit if he / she is with the XXXX Primary School. And follows his / her own initiative in learning and being diligent. Though he / she might not have done as well as others, he / she is likely to show great progress if some form of enlightenment is given by someone who is a real educationalist. Moreover, my son / daughter started on playing the piano at last year and has attained the stage II level. His / her talent in this area is likely to be developed further as the XXXX Primary Scholl has an excellent reputation for music. I would be most grateful if my son / daughter could be given an interview with the Principal so that you may obtain a more comprehensive understanding of my son / daughter. Copies of my son / daughter’s school reports, certificates and testimonials are enclosed for your consideration. Should anything be missing, I can be reached at 12345678 for clarification. Thanks for your kind attention. Regards, Yours truly, ___________________________ |