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bb1212 | 2009-02-17 21:47
bigbigmo | 2009-02-17 22:00
pls send e-mail:[email protected]
afcchow | 2009-02-17 22:30
Pls kindly send to: [email protected]
Many tks!
myt | 2009-02-18 01:02
Quote:原帖由 star903 於 09-2-17 09:43 發表

pls check pm

Grateful if sending me a copy. Thanks so much for your kindness. My email address

[email protected]
eiffelshum | 2009-02-18 02:19
please send me a copy to email box [email protected], thanks alot.
Brydon | 2009-02-18 02:44
Hi Charlotte mom,

Would u pls send to me? my e-mail address: [email protected]

Briannama | 2009-02-18 09:19
Quote:原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 09-1-12 15:56 發表
我手上有一份03年時, "前輩"寫既小一面試熱門題目, 8大版紙總共百幾題, 都幾有reference價值的, 有興趣可pm email俾我:wahaha:
(都係時候準備了:toocold: )

各位請留意, 我唔可以用pm send attachment的, 請留emai ...

Dear Charlotte_mom,
May I have a copy please?

My email is [email protected]
Thanks a lot.
emother | 2009-02-18 10:46
Please send me a copy, my email address is
[email protected]

Thank you so much
ThomasBevan | 2009-02-18 10:55
Hi Charlotte_mom,

你真係一個好心人呀, 會同人分享, 我都想要一份呀, 麻煩你呀, 多謝.

Quote:原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 09-1-12 15:56 發表
我手上有一份03年時, "前輩"寫既小一面試熱門題目, 8大版紙總共百幾題, 都幾有reference價值的, 有興趣可pm email俾我:wahaha:
(都係時候準備了:toocold: )

各位請留意, 我唔可以用pm send attachment的, 請留emai ...

ThomasBevan | 2009-02-18 10:56
sorry, 我漏左e-mail address呀.

[email protected]

Quote:原帖由 Charlotte_mom 於 09-1-12 15:56 發表
我手上有一份03年時, "前輩"寫既小一面試熱門題目, 8大版紙總共百幾題, 都幾有reference價值的, 有興趣可pm email俾我:wahaha:
(都係時候準備了:toocold: )

各位請留意, 我唔可以用pm send attachment的, 請留emai ...

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