聖母小學 VS 德雅小學

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WINLEG | 2008-07-11 20:58
你地會拺選邊間呢?:question: :question: :question:
charlie2002 | 2008-07-11 22:09
Sorry can only tell Tak Nga, hope you don't mind. My daughter finally decided EC instead of Tak Nga. Since we got to make decision so we understood TN very well. All issues you mentioned are relatively good at TN, if you clik on TN school web site, the up to date announcement of their Secondary result for good school % is very high. TN is a school with long history but little preasure only. After we did the interview by the headmistress and we did interview at other famous 2-3schools, we felt TN is far better than other famous private school.
Hope can help bit.
WINLEG | 2008-07-11 22:41
charlie 2002

Thanks for your sharing. Any mami can give comments?

But, why you chose EC instead of TN? [ 本文章最後由 WINLEG 於 08-7-11 22:44 編輯 ]
charlie2002 | 2008-07-11 23:19
It was really a hard decision, we leave in TKO so consider to bring food and near but main point is after listen to the headmaster talk of EC, we believe which is a suitable for my daughter. Hope we didn't make any wrong mistake.
TN study a year ahead of English
We also feel TN is among the top few schools in academic but always keep silent so people who don't find out TN's details, may not know.

I think you got same case as us, 8 out of 10 who will choose TN instead of EC and yours same 8 out of 10 will not choose TN.

Find one which is fit for your kid.

Quote:原文章由 WINLEG 於 08-7-11 22:41 發表
charlie 2002

Thanks for your sharing. Any mami can give comments?

But, why you chose EC instead of TN?

SandyKL | 2008-07-12 00:13




Quote:原文章由 WINLEG 於 08-7-11 20:58 發表
你地會拺選邊間呢?:question: :question: :question: ...
[ 本文章最後由 SandyKL 於 08-7-12 01:05 編輯 ]
charlie2002 | 2008-07-12 09:52
Great! you have got one on you mind so forget anyone which is also good then.
Yes, agree different year, different student. We all knew study is all depends on kid, we are always try our best to do their assistant.

Quote:原文章由 SandyKL 於 08-7-12 00:13 發表

而聖母小學讀高半級,學術方面也不差,每年中學會收番8成小學既學生。我今 ...

WINLEG | 2008-07-12 23:51
Thanks for your sharing.

Any mami can sharing?

:funny: :funny: :funny:
WINLEG | 2008-07-14 12:10
UP :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:
Crabtree | 2008-07-15 20:13
我識朋友女兒原讀德雅小嘅, 但因小三其中一科主科不合格, 故此要留級. 但我朋友話每日放工返到屋企就好似打仗, 又有好多功課做, 又要預習, 默書又多, 最終頂唔順, 轉了校. 但轉咗之後, 母囡關係比以前好好多, 個囡又自動自覺做功課, 又主動溫書. 所以你要視乎你地如何面對壓力了?

另聖母小學已出了今年升中派位結課, 可以一看.

WINLEG | 2008-07-16 00:09
Thanks, Crabtree


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