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pinkladycat | 2021-09-19 03:34
雖然未知結果 ,本身讀緊九真幼 如果真係去到協小會難追嗎?有無2邊用家分享下 :good: 感謝各位

CSKzei | 2021-09-19 18:44
[i=s] 本帖最後由 CSKzei 於 21-9-19 19:29 編輯 [/i] My daughter is studying up to Primary Five in 九真 now. The first two years were difficult academically. Demanding in English. But since P3 we were able to adapt, and no longer a problem. School campus is really a constraint and there is a lack of extra-curricular activities, especially obvious during COVID-19 time.
Several good things about 九真。

The secondary school is doing pretty well under the headmistress. The DSE results make it a band 1C school, and some even grade it as 1B.

The school culture is nice. The children there are 纯真, 朴素。 No school bully as far as I know. People (teachers, parents) are in good harmony and help one another.

If the child is in top quartile of 九真, then his/her standard is quite solid already. At the same time, the competition is not too severe, and teachers not too tough.

pinkladycat | 2021-09-19 19:33
Quote:CSKzei 發表於 21-9-19 18:44 My daughter is studying up to Primary Five in 九真 now. The first two years were difficult academica ...

多謝你,詳盡的意見! :donutkiss: :kiss:

hugub | 2021-09-20 11:49
九真幼是否happy school? 我女讀坑真幼係happy school 有幸抽到協小,由於幼稚園太happy,小一及小二追成績追到氣咳:dizzy:

PTL_L | 2021-09-20 11:57
Quote:hugub 發表於 21-9-20 11:49
九真幼是否happy school? 我女讀坑真幼係happy school 有幸抽到協小,由於幼稚園太happy,小一及小二追成績 ...
pinkladycat | 2021-09-20 14:46
Quote:hugub 發表於 21-9-20 11:49 九真幼是否happy school? 我女讀坑真幼係happy school 有幸抽到協小,由於幼稚園太happy,小一及小二追成績 ...

我女又唔覺真係好happy :happy: 每日中英數功課,每星期要中英文閱讀圖書, 但英文為主 。 你意思追到氣咳,協小是否因為普通話中文會比較深? :surprised:

pinkladycat | 2021-09-20 14:47
Quote:PTL_L 發表於 21-9-20 11:57 咁誇張?要追到氣咳?小一小二咋喎?仲要協小係津校,課程唔可以太離地喎? ...

我都想大約知道教咩 :happy:

hugub | 2021-09-20 16:12

英文主要grammar中伏,error correction又死
hugub | 2021-09-20 16:22

PTL_L | 2021-09-21 00:49
Quote:hugub 發表於 21-9-20 16:22
其實協小雖然係津校,但為左推高學生程度課程都幾深下,小一開學用1B英文書,數學小一上册1個月教哂,10月 ...
英文算深,不過亦有津校是如此,並不算好特別。至於數學更加,因好多津校一開學會跳教1A冊,直落1B冊附以自編校本教材,所以數學應該唔會同出邊差好遠,尤其女校,識編既都唔會跳教咁快,搵自己嚟搞:joyous:如果考試範圍以grammar 為主更易溫,小一小二學咩grammar,咪最多present tense ,present continues tense ,搭埋初步認識past tense,九基華2年級下學期都學past tense 。

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