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ColorMe | 2020-11-23 09:33
board has EDXCEL , Cambridge , AQA tec
check which board because syllabus and papers different
DOCTORGG | 2020-11-23 15:01
Quote:Joiv 發表於 20-10-14 10:51 中文一定要經指定學校報名 其他均可報Private student.

[i=s] 本帖最後由 DOCTORGG 於 20-12-17 22:17 編輯 [/i] Deleted

BBBMAM | 2021-01-17 13:11
Quote:giver 發表於 20-10-16 03:06 小女啱啱完成IGCSE, 二手書您介意嗎? 佢都唔多翻書,應該都好新淨嘅

佢呢屆係第一年考新syllabus ...


ACEG | 2021-03-01 03:26
回覆 PeggyChan 的帖子 請問妳的女兒將考那一個Examination Board的試?
像大家說的一樣,不同Board就有不同的試卷。試卷和Mark Schemes都可以輕易在網上下載得到。

而除了看教科書,準備考試的話還可以使用Oak National Academy 和 BBC Bitesize 這兩個免費的英國教育網站。這邊封城的時候,英國的老師家長都會用上這兩個網站教家中孩子。


Poyau | 2021-03-09 16:22
Quote:giver 發表於 20-11-20 19:53 請問您是否已經問咗報讀嗰間公立學校,會接受 IGCSE 成績嗎?

我剛剛問咗在英國多年的朋友,佢哋讀嗰間公 ...

有State sixth form無GCSE亦可報 例如CRGS睇就讀學校/入學試成績 入讀後可能要補考GCSE英文/數學 CRGS Prospectus https://www.crgs.co.uk/133/prospectus CRGS Sixth Form Prospectus 2020 (p.16) https://0e58658be539ee7325a0-220f04f871df648cf4a4d93a111e3366.ssl.cf3.rackcdn.com/colchester/uploads/document/CRGS_Sixth_Form_Prospectus_2020.pdf "Students from overseas who do not follow the National Curriculum are admitted on the basis of their academic performance in their current school and, where appropriate, their performance in the school's entrance tests." "Students from overseas, who do not follow the National Curriculum and who do not have reformed GCSEs (or GCSE equivalent, as defined by the DfE) in English language and Mathematics, will be expected to study towards and pass these qualifications before the end of their A level courses, unless taking a higher level equivalent at A level."

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