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ncylam | 2012-04-01 08:30
請問大家可否就DGS及St Paul's Convent給予意見. 兩間都是好學校 , 但是DGS的分班方式會否令小朋友有被標籤的感覺.
另外, 可否就課程給予意見, 因為St Paul's Convent會在中四考IGCSE,這是否對升大學有優勢?
jessimm | 2012-04-01 09:51
殊途同歸 - 壓苗助長
ANChan59 | 2012-04-01 10:13
Consult some parents' daughters studied in mentioned schools. Go to their spaces and check their posts, you may find comments are fair and realistic. Wish you make the informed decision.

cellon | 2012-04-01 10:22
[i=s] 本帖最後由 cellon 於 12-4-1 15:56 編輯 [/i] Quote:ncylam 發表於 12-4-1 08:30
請問大家可否就DGS及St Paul's Convent給予意見. 兩間都是好學校 , 但是DGS的分班方式會否令小朋友有被標 ...

Have you just received offer call from DGS?

If yes, congratulations!

martie | 2012-04-01 15:09
Quote:ncylam 發表於 12-4-1 08:30
請問大家可否就DGS及St Paul's Convent給予意見. 兩間都是好學校 , 但是DGS的分班方式會否令小朋友有被標 ...

SPCS already closed registration last week, and DGS has closed registration earlier for the first batch offer. I agree both are good schools. But, DGS is stronger in academics. I think you have alread made your decision. Which have you opted for?

elbar | 2012-04-01 21:02
Quote:ncylam 發表於 12-4-1 08:30
請問大家可否就DGS及St Paul's Convent給予意見. 兩間都是好學校 , 但是DGS的分班方式會否令小朋友有被標 ...
DGS :excited:

bearbear79 | 2012-04-02 00:54
ppl used to call students who get into class xZ animal class
coz z=zoo

actually discrimination occurs in both sku
but i think St paul is better

martie | 2012-04-02 13:17
Quote:bearbear79 發表於 12-4-2 00:54
ppl used to call students who get into class xZ animal class
coz z=zoo

xZ animal class = work hard like animals or as "smart" as animals. Anyway, are x and Z elite or below average classes?
Ting0329 | 2012-04-05 19:09
DGS for sure
KenChan | 2012-04-06 12:22
Maybe St Paul Convent cause my friends said that St Paul's stuedents don't have much stress than DGS

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