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ohnono | 2012-04-06 22:39
Quote:martie 發表於 12-4-2 13:17
xZ animal class = work hard like animals or as "smart" as animals. Anyway, are x and Z elite or be ...

martie | 2012-04-07 01:19
Quote:ohnono 發表於 12-4-6 22:39


What classes do they have apart from classes X and Z? What are the difference?

ohnono | 2012-04-07 13:12
回復 martie 的帖子 除X,Z班之外,還有U,W,Y班。

yukico | 2012-04-07 13:40
回復 ohnono 的帖子 我諗U、W班的分別並非DGJS及外來生的分別, 事關分班是以分班試的成績去定。只不過剛巧入到U班的多以DGJS生為多, 而W班以外來生為多, 所以才有妳所講的"現象"。
就以今年S.1為例, U班也不全部是小學升上的, 4X個學生當中有6名是外來生。
所以收到入學通知的幸運兒, 還是認真準備考好個分班試吧, 加油!

martie | 2012-04-07 18:24
Quote:yukico 發表於 12-4-7 13:40
回復 ohnono 的帖子

我諗U、W班的分別並非DGJS及外來生的分別, 事關分班是以分班試的成績去定。只不過剛巧 ...
Hi Yukico,

Thank you for your sharing. The information is very useful. Just wonder if DGJS pupils also need to take the placement test along with the outsiders. Still on placement, heard that Chinese, English and Maths are subdivided into sets. Any idea if a student is allocated into the same Set for all Chinese, English and Maths, or she can have different sets for the three subjects.

For Chinese and English placement tests, do students need to do composition?

On travelling to school, are there school / nanny buses for students? Or do most of them travel to school by public transports?


yukico | 2012-04-07 19:12
回復 martie 的帖子 很長, 要慢慢答:funny:

1. 所有準新生(不論DGJS或外來生), 均需在同一時間、同一地點應考同一份試卷, 該卷由中學出題, 所以即使小學部的學生也沒有tips或優勢。因而我相信分班試十分公平。
2. 不錯, 中英數分sets (由 set A到set G)教學, 有機會同一個學生在不同set上這3科的課, 例如中文set A, 英文 set B, 數學set C etc.; 但亦有個別學生剛巧中英數會被分到相同的set, 這點不難理解;
3. 以往的經驗, 中英文均有作文。至於今年情況怎樣, 可能待妳女兒考完後, 告訴我們。
4. 學校有提供校車服務, 學生可自行選擇搭校巴或自行返學。(若放學後有課外活動, 則需自行返家, 校巴不會等)
5. 講多一樣吧, 午膳可以外出食, 也可以在學校訂餐。


martie | 2012-04-07 22:27
Quote:yukico 發表於 12-4-7 19:12
回復 martie 的帖子

很長, 要慢慢答
Hi Yukico,

Many thanks for your generous sharing and swift reply. You certainly make our lives much easier. Some more questions about school bus and lunch. For Schoolbus, do the routes cover HK Island; and for lunch, can Secondary One students go out for lunch (usually only Secondary Two or above are allowed to eat out of school)?

Thank you once again for your sharing. I owe you a coffee.:good::lol:


yukico | 2012-04-07 23:24
回復 martie 的帖子 Hi Martie,

唔使客氣, 想當年我也是個"問題媽媽":bashful: 多一點資訊, 少一份擔心嘛。

校巴有多條港島線, 但下一學年的車站及上、下車時間表, 則最快在7或8月才由校巴公司提供, 有可能每年都不同, 到時學校會寄校巴資料給新生, 不用擔心。

中一生已可以外出食晏, 佐敦附近不愁搵唔到野食; 至於是否食得健康, 那是家長仔細衡量的另一回事:wahaha: 若妳不想女兒同一時間有太多事情要適應, 可以選擇9月份訂餐, 那麼有1個月的時間讓她慢慢適應, 到10月時再決定是否繼續訂餐, 又或者出外食也未遲。(有新生喜歡訂餐, 話好味道; 但舊生多選擇外出食, 因為在小學食了6年同一間供應商的飯, 龍肉也變得難啃)

咖啡可免, 唔想驚動廉署:wahaha:奶茶較為吸引:happy: 預祝升學順利。


martie | 2012-04-08 13:59
Quote:yukico 發表於 12-4-7 23:24
回復 martie 的帖子

Hi Martie,
Thanks a lot for your information. It's useful and practical.

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