Quote:原帖由 mak-jenny 於 09-12-18 11:16 發表 通識已經是主要科, 如英中不是用英文教, 何為全英中學呢??? 如其他宗教.....不須考文憑試的可用中文語言, 是可接受的.
agree, I m glad to find that quite a no. of Christian "EMI" use Chinese (instead of English when they were the over 100 EMI) as MOI for Religious Studies as the subject is no longer a public exam subject.
and it's rather "ridiculuous" to ve PE in English. I still remembered that the two PE lessons were the only relaxing lessons of my days. Even my old school was a crazy exam mechine EMI, we could still ve PE in Cantonese. [at least we wouldn't say "pls pass the ball to me" in English].