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| 2006-02-09 00:09

我仔仔只得22個月,在18個月時到健康院檢查時姑娘見仔仔冇eye contact, 又叫都唔認,所以就轉介去評估中心見醫生,上個月見完醫生話擔心仔仔會有自閉,但又因仔仔尚細,未能完全confirm,實在令到我很不知所措!




承承媽媽 | 2006-02-09 00:20

以你現在的情況,我覺得你最好儘快幫你的小朋友報讀全日制的幼兒園,因為我們不能單憑多不多/有無eye contact/叫佢應不應來斷定小朋友是否有自閉傾向,如果他純粹是自我中心,未學識回應別人,當他返了幼兒園之後,可以有很大的改善.另一方面,幼兒園的老師們長期對住很多小朋友,她們會比較容易分辨小朋友是否有學習障礙的.
katyfok | 2006-02-09 02:16
Me Too.!!!!
My daughter is now 23 months old and was told my a specialist Dr. at 養和醫院 the same thing. She said looks like autistic ... but mild and cannot confirm.more correctly, the Dr. said she's just too young to be DEFINED as autistic.. but she has some trace of it.
she is now referred to Hip hong for language therapy and occupational therapy.
my daughter has great eye contact, not afraid of stranger, no specific rountine.. but she sometimes do not respond to my calling, more importantly no words yet...
Since she has been going to playgroup since 10 month old... the teacher at playgroup and my family are all in denial...they said she is just a late talker .. not autistic... i don't know what to believe anymore.
sometimes, I look at her... I know she's a little different than other kid... sometimes, I feel like she is just doing what other normal kids would do.
It's just so hard at this point... the therapy at hip hong will start this week... we'll see how it goes.
four44 | 2006-02-09 09:16

你是排協康 heep hong??? 咁快有位? 是st 嘛?? 我見有人排一年都未有位呀 !! 你就好啦!

fion414 | 2006-02-09 12:25

請問妳仔仔識唔識講野? 會唔會叫極都唔停四維走?
其實那些特殊訓練班, 主要教妳一些技巧來在家訓練小孩, 而妳有問題亦可請教治療師, 還有可以認識其他家長交換心得.

Dr.T | 2006-02-09 12:35



pamam | 2006-02-09 14:45
puipui&heihei and katyfok

I think you should believe your mother's instinct, if you feel there is something strange about your kid, you should get professional advice.

I felt my son was 'strange' at 2 years old but everybody kept telling me he was fine, maybe a late talker, maybe a bit chubby(for his clumsiness) etc...............perhaps both me and my hushand were in denial and we have never heard of Autistic features or asperger........with hind sight, it's really no harm to do an assessment and start early training.

One of my friends's daughter was assessed with autistic features, she let her daughter started whole day nursary rightaway and gave her speech and OT therapies. At N3 now, she was re-assessed as normal and now no need to do any therapies. My point is even if your kid is 'mis-diagnosed' with AF, there is nothing to lose to let them get early training. It's better to play safe than regret later!


katyfok | 2006-02-09 15:33
yeah... I only waited 2 weeks and someone from Heep hong called already.
They are really prompt.
| 2006-02-09 15:34

katyfok | 2006-02-09 15:37
I thought so... and i agree with you 100%.
that's why no matter what other said, we are starting therapy this week anyway.
I figured starting training earlier the better. No point to be in deneial.
the thing is we are expecting another baby in a month... I just don't know how much patience will I have by then. We'll see.

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