sammili | 2005-08-17 13:31 |
hehe....因29/8係小兒3歲牛一,所以我記得佢係唔洗返 :-) |
小新媽媽 | 2005-08-17 16:59 |
Quote: sammili 寫道: hehe....因29/8係小兒3歲牛一,所以我記得佢係唔洗返 :-) :oops: 又睇錯. 好在有依個topic姐. 我以為星期一返添. :cheeze: |
pakwong | 2005-08-20 11:11 |
咁係咪27/8要返, 跟住係30/8 and 31/8先陪返學咩? |
心花花 | 2005-08-20 12:39 |
27/8 要開家長會(不用帶陌小朋友) 30/8-2/9 都可以陪小朋友返學 Quote: pakwong 寫道: 咁係咪27/8要返, 跟住係30/8 and 31/8先陪返學咩? |
pakwong | 2005-08-20 14:12 |
心花花; thanks :wave: :wave: |
lyip | 2005-08-22 10:33 |
Dear Mummies 寶血 has accepted my son and he will be studying in the afternoon session. We need to bring him for photo shooting but could not find any photo shops that can take 貼紙相. Does any mummy know where to take 貼紙相? And what is the size of the photo? thank you :) |
anitalui | 2005-08-23 02:35 |
Quote: lyip 寫道: Dear Mummies 寶血 has accepted my son and he will be studying in the afternoon session. We need to bring him for photo shooting but could not find any photo shops that can take 貼紙相. Does any mummy know where to take 貼紙相? And what is the size of the photo? thank you :) maybe FOTOMAX,size is 1.5 x 2 |
lyip | 2005-08-23 09:48 |
thk u anitalui. |
小新媽媽 | 2005-08-23 15:58 |
你地同仔仔囡囡準備好開學未啊?? 我尋日搵返佢果2套校服,書包出來, 仲有準備左白ball鞋, 白皮鞋. 仲有咩要準備啊?? ?-( |
sammili | 2005-08-24 00:48 |
我都問過門市快圖美,佢地話冇wor......我仔都未影,諗住影番普通果d算 Quote: anitalui 寫道: Quote: lyip 寫道: Dear Mummies 寶血 has accepted my son and he will be studying in the afternoon session. We need to bring him for photo shooting but could not find any photo shops that can take 貼紙相. Does any mummy know where to take 貼紙相? And what is the size of the photo? thank you :) maybe FOTOMAX,size is 1.5 x 2 |