18 /19 入讀寶血K1揮手區

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Hamsterstep | 2018-01-08 00:27
我阿仔K1 am
twsum | 2018-01-09 09:59
same here
囝囝 K1 am
nice to meet you!
icymama2013 | 2018-01-10 23:46
Quote:twsum 發表於 18-1-9 09:59 same here
囝囝 K1 am
nice to meet you!

K1 am~

leehimhim | 2018-01-12 12:44
k1 am:funny:

pksum | 2018-01-16 00:30
我收左PM,請問會唔會有可能轉到AM 嫁?

Apple905 | 2018-01-19 18:36
cpypeggy | 2018-02-26 15:35
K1 AM 囡囡:good:
cloudyjess | 2018-03-02 10:07
K1 Am 女女! 請問你地住邊?本身港島但有機黎緊要搬一搬去旺角/東涌,但諗唔掂點搭車....有無校車?

Hamsterstep | 2018-03-10 15:21
我仔仔K1 Am
ks206195 | 2018-03-14 13:36
Hi 我囡囡 K1 pm

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