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LittleFish | 2017-02-03 10:55
[i=s] 本帖最後由 LittleFish 於 17-2-3 11:24 編輯 [/i] 我知道天神係多功課同深, 但no pain no gain, 如果揀得就要有心理準備.
我想請問用家家長, 你地小朋友返學開心嗎? 有無小朋友覺得有壓力?

同埋想知,一星期有幾多次中英文默書? 謝謝!

wtyedu | 2017-02-06 13:06
回覆 LittleFish 的帖子 My daughter is studying P1. So far the homework has been OK, less than we expected before attending. She should have enough playtime (with her classmates and friends) especially weekends. I heard that more homework since P4 but I'm not sure.

My daughter is happily going to school. Usually it has 3 times Chinese and 2 times English dictation per month. As a P1 parent's opinion, the school is not as hard as what said outside.

LittleFish | 2017-02-07 15:23
回覆 wtyedu 的帖子 Thanks for your reply! It is really good to hear that.

Besides, can I know if your daughter attend the homework class everyday after school?

wtyedu | 2017-02-07 17:54
No, she doesn't. I believe for P1, some kids going to the homework class because their working parents have no time to take care of them.
LittleFish | 2017-02-08 11:04
回覆 wtyedu 的帖子 Well noted, and really thanks for your kindness reply!

bebubabi429 | 2017-02-11 00:06
Quote:wtyedu 發表於 17-2-6 13:06 回覆 LittleFish 的帖子 My daughter is studying P1. So far the homework has been OK, less than we ex ...


bebubabi429 | 2017-02-11 09:56
Quote:wtyedu 發表於 17-2-6 13:06 回覆 LittleFish 的帖子 My daughter is studying P1. So far the homework has been OK, less than we ex ...


Jamiebearbear | 2017-02-11 16:59
Quote:bebubabi429 發表於 17-2-11 09:56 我想問問一年有幾多次考試?


bebubabi429 | 2017-02-11 18:56
Quote:Jamiebearbear 發表於 17-2-11 16:59 2測2考

Good good

wtyedu | 2017-02-11 22:45
[i=s] 本帖最後由 wtyedu 於 17-2-13 11:53 編輯 [/i] Quote:bebubabi429 發表於 17-2-11 00:06

No need to worry. The school has "adaptive period" for students transit from Kindergarten to Primary. I believe most schools have the similar arrangement.
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