2007-08 培正 K1

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longBB | 2007-07-05 08:48
hi, good morning all;-) ;-)

waihinma,上星期六Sparkle 病左呀, 喉龍痛燒到104度, 所以少

左上黎傾計law.:sick: :sick:

Quote:原文章由 waihinma 於 07-7-4 22:39 發表

近排唔多見你, 忙 D mug 啊?:lol:


PrinceAaron | 2007-07-05 08:59
I never received the phone call from 校車部 and they
always said they will only issue the 站紙
on late August. I can only keep waiting........ :-(


Quote:原文章由 denden 於 07-7-4 14:59 發表
Hello 各位家長,

BoBoYee | 2007-07-05 12:20
Waihinma, Thank you so much for updating our info.

We can see one another in the "new comer day" on 27-8-2007.

waihinma | 2007-07-05 15:11

Oh IC, 咁你同仔仔都要好好保重啦, 得閑就多D上來啦.:P

Quote:原文章由 longBB 於 07-7-5 08:48 發表
hi, good morning all;-) ;-)

waihinma,上星期六Sparkle 病左呀, 喉龍痛燒到104度, 所以少

左上黎傾計law.:sick: :sick:

waihinma | 2007-07-05 15:20

希望到時你地上午班有足夠人數搭保母車, 而我地下午班亦有足夠人數搭保母車啦.:lol:

Quote:原文章由 BoBoYee 於 07-7-5 12:20 發表
Waihinma, Thank you so much for updating our info.

We can see one another in the "new comer day" on 27-8-2007.


waihinma | 2007-07-05 15:27

:-D :-D :-D !!!!!!!

Quote:原文章由 小虎媽 於 07-7-4 15:39 發表

Waihinma / fatyeung01 / twg / Cadymami / Lulu0820,

多謝妳地既關心及祝福, 細仔燒左5日, 第6日出玫瑰疹, 見佢出疹, 我地當堂安落晒, 休息左幾日, d疹退得7788, 而家食得瞓得周圍爬, 見到佢咁精神, 我同老公都好開心.

而家天氣時晴時雨, 好易中招, 大人小朋友都要保重呀!
waihinma | 2007-07-05 15:41

你去咗邊啊, 我地個gathering仲搞唔搞啊? Pls see below information:


1. Waihinma - 2A, 1B (pm)
2. kyy - 2A, 1B (am)
3. wig - 2A, 1B (pm)
4. 艾菲 - 2A, 1B (pm)
5. swan_lau - 2A, 1B (am)
6. Zoechan2005 - 2A, 1B (am)
7. Graham - 2A, 1B (pm)
8. Lulu0820 - 1A, 1B (am)
9. Amy001 - 2A, 1B (pm)
10. hkh - 2A, 1B (am)
11. hcy - 2A, 1B (pm)
12. Emanuel - 2A, 1B (pm)
13. fatyeung01 - 2A, 1B (pm)
14. longBB - 2A, 1B (pm)
15. HiuYeukmama - 2A, 1B (pm)
16. winniepoon - 2A, 1B (pm)
17. Cadymami - 2A, 1B (pm)
18. 小虎媽 - 2A, 1B (am)

19. twg - 2A, 2B (am)
20. 蕎蕎騫騫媽咪 - 1A, 1B (am)

艾菲 寫道:
So happy that all of you are keen on having a gathering. Do you guys prefer indoor or outdoor? Is there any recommendations? :wink:
twg | 2007-07-05 16:09
longBB & Sparkle

take care!:pint: :pint:
how about Sparkle now? is he recovered?

ai ya, so difficult to post msg on the new bk net, I'm really not familiar with the new bk net...:-?

Quote:原文章由 longBB 於 07-7-5 08:48 發表
hi, good morning all;-) ;-)

waihinma,上星期六Sparkle 病左呀, 喉龍痛燒到104度, 所以少

左上黎傾計law.:sick: :sick:

longBB | 2007-07-05 17:45
twg & waihinma,

多謝晒你地呀, Sparkle 已經好番喇!
可能佢睇左差不多9個月中醫調理, 今次喉龍發炎頭尾都係last 左3日, 之後好似咩事都發生過咁, 無咳無痰, 我都算好好彩喇.

我試下call 下艾菲啦, 佢可能5知bk轉左版呀!
kyy | 2007-07-05 18:15
hi hi,

我仔仔都病左, 佢不嬲氣管唔好, 上星期又咳到c c 下:-( 醫生重話係"哮喘性氣管炎"添, 叫我小心d :(

我都想找一個中醫俾軒軒睇下, 大家有冇好介紹 ?

你仔仔個中醫係邊架 ? 貴唔貴 ?
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