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Icycream | 2006-01-16 10:33

chickenwing ~ Alice 恩恩
cleo ~ Hans 晞晞
icycream ~ April 琳琳
臻臻媽咪 ~ 臻臻
bblong03 ~ 朗朗
Nice1314 ~ 柏軒
Sugarcream ~ 陶陶
家晞媽咪爸B ~ 家晞
Kieran媽咪 ~ 紀弘
JenJenLam ~ 曉蝶
?? ~ 玲玲

Zizimama ~ zizi
winsonma ~ 文定
HOI LAM RACHEL ( winsonma's daughter)
carlam ~ 啟元
venice ~ 藝瓊

timma ~ Timothy
lunchtime4000 ~ 小津
ggwong ~ 家睿
keithksc ~ TOBY



sze_mark ~ Aidan俊謙
Lucky ~ 卓曦
sofiama ~ Sofia(??)
chetwyn.mama ~ 栢希
Karly ~ 寶喬
Thirsty ~ 學昕

曳媽咪 ~ Jazlyn彥彤
yiuyiu03 ~ Avian穎瑤
WaiWaiBB ~ 惟惠
minnanotabo45 ~ 灝灝
littlewoman ~ Shannon
litttlestar ~ 皓鏇
Juliafung ~ Stephen (Man Kwan)

omerkion ~ Chloe曉瑩
彥彥媽咪 ~ Norman文彥
kitkitmum ~ ping
skchan ~ 詠晞
erica88888 ~ 采羲
Thomasland ~ 灝灝
Wendy518 ~ lok yan

[size=medium]<培正有咩好? 點樣入到培幼讀書? 睇下彥媽點講啦!!!>
chickenwing | 2006-01-16 10:39
Hi, nice to meet you icycream. My girl also got AM classs. I shall paid the registeration fee at 19th, how about you?

BTW, do anyone know, do we have to open A/C at Waterloo branch of citi kahwa bank? Cause I want to do it in TST branch which is close to where I work.
Icycream | 2006-01-16 10:53

hello, nice to meet you too. :wave: 我剛打去何文田branch問. 佢地話可在任何一間citic ka wah branch開a/c. 最小$100開saving a/c. 不過19/20 jan去交留位費個日, 學校要填埋轉帳費紀錄卡 & 直接付款授權書. 是否當日就要有citic ka wah既a/c provide呢?

btw, 我hubby會在19/1 去pay the 留位費.
彥彥媽咪 | 2006-01-16 10:59
呵呵...依家d家長反應真係好快喎..我地呢d C9 真係追唔切添...嘻嘻...

以前要起碼出 result 後十日八日先有呢類"集會" topic ga...我希望今次可以 continue la...

培正d家長here so far I know 係睇多過講 here ga..我已經算係最多咀個個架喇....哈哈~~ :oops: :oops: :oops:

是否當日就要有citic ka wah既a/c provide ==> yes...要填 direct debit form ar ma... :-) :-)

我都會 19/1 個日仲係晨咁早去個種, 去完先返工.... ;-) ;-)

chickenwing | 2006-01-16 11:00
I think we better have all 轉帳費紀錄卡 & 直接付款授權書 since it said or hand in before 21st. I don't want to go there twice, so I think I'll try to complete it within 19th itself.

I live in TKO, it's a bit far for my girl to travel, I'm a bit worry she won't get used to. How about you, where about you live? Could you share with us why you choose PC?

chickenwing | 2006-01-16 11:04
彥彥媽咪 寫道:
呵呵...依家d家長反應真係好快喎..我地呢d C9 真係追唔切添...嘻嘻...

以前要起碼出 result 後十日八日先有呢類"集會" topic ga...我希望今次可以 continue la...

培正d家長here so far I know 係睇多過講 here ga..我已經算係最多咀個個架喇....哈哈~~ :oops: :oops: :oops:

是否當日就要有citic ka wah既a/c provide ==> yes...要填 direct debit form ar ma... :-) :-)

我都會 19/1 個日仲係晨咁早去個種, 去完先返工.... ;-) ;-)

hi 彥彥媽咪, nice to meet you. Which class is your kid in, AM/PM? I think somehow I saw your post, your elder kid also in PC right? How do your kid like PC, he/she happy about the kinder? How about yourself, do you find this kinder? Sorry, for so many questions.
chetwyn.mama | 2006-01-16 11:18

你們好呀? 要當日就要有citic ka wah既a/c provide ar!
你就好la!可以親身去,我老細唔比請假ga!所以要我屋企人走兩轉先得ar! ;-)
sunflowers | 2006-01-16 11:18

to all new pc moms,
congratulations and welcome

congratulation to you, your younger could get to pc again.

彥彥媽咪 | 2006-01-16 11:21
chicken wing:

My younger son admitted to PM class now..but I'll see if we can switch him to AM la... 不過唔得都唔緊要嘅....


Long time no chat wor...你上次係咪問緊校車問題架..依家搞掂未..??

Icycream | 2006-01-16 11:28

聽講第日培正交既學生相是否一定要用film有相底個種丫? 即每次交都要同一個post同一個表情呢? 不可用數碼相嗎?
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