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mmpong | 2008-11-22 15:10
有無媽咪知道由將軍澳搭校車返學校要幾耐? 同埋校車費幾多?
piggypoq | 2008-11-27 17:21

My daughter get on the school bus around 8:20-8:25am in TKO, the bus fee is around $9xx per month.
mmpong | 2008-11-28 14:50
thanks piggypoq!!! 8:20-8:25am is not as early as i thought, that's good!!! wow $9xx, sometimes really think is it worthwhile to send him to study such far away......but i've heard many ppl said this school is very good

do u know when'll they arrive in school then? just wonder how long is the 車程....

Quote:原帖由 piggypoq 於 08-11-27 17:21 發表

My daughter get on the school bus around 8:20-8:25am in TKO, the bus fee is around $9xx per month.

Tree630 | 2008-11-28 15:32
hihi, 你好. 我今天直接打電話去學校問了, 職員很友善地回答了我. 我告訴她住在哪一屋苑, 她便告訴我今年大約是8:25上車, 9點就能回到學校. 上完我住的那個屋苑後, 差不多就直接回學校, 不用再兜了. 車費為$900.

不過, 她強調行車路線年年不一樣.

你可以打去問問看. :)
mmpong | 2008-11-28 17:17
thanks Tree630, i just called the school, she said from TKO to school will take not more than 45 mins, class will start on 9:00am, the cost for this yr is $940 for 雙程, $600 for 單程, but she also said the route will be changed every year~

Quote:原帖由 Tree630 於 08-11-28 15:32 發表
hihi, 你好. 我今天直接打電話去學校問了, 職員很友善地回答了我. 我告訴她住在哪一屋苑, 她便告訴我今年大約是8:25上車, 9點就能回到學校. 上完我住的那個屋苑後, 差不多就直接回學校, 不用再兜了. 車費為$900.


Tree630 | 2008-11-29 19:34
hi mmpong, 你好~ 我仔仔被取錄明年的k1 am班, 你呢? just to say HI~

Quote:原帖由 mmpong 於 08-11-28 17:17 發表
thanks Tree630, i just called the school, she said from TKO to school will take not more than 45 mins, class will start on 9:00am, the cost for this yr is $940 for 雙程, $600 for 單程, but she also sa ...

mmpong | 2008-11-30 23:56
hihi Tree630, 我個仔都係被取錄明年的K1 am class, don't know whether they'll be in the same class. By the way, have u final confirmed for studying in creative?

Quote:原帖由 Tree630 於 08-11-29 19:34 發表
hi mmpong, 你好~ 我仔仔被取錄明年的k1 am班, 你呢? just to say HI~

Tree630 | 2008-12-02 07:52
我另外還報了浸幼和創價, 這個星期六應該有結果. 之前浸幼是我的首選, 因為真的很喜歡它的教學理念和各種細節安排, 口碑和視學都很好, 小學升讀tko的真道和播道的機會也不錯. 之後去創價面試, 對創價的感覺也很好, 感覺老師和園長都是很真心對孩子的人, 很nice, 最不商業化. 所以對這2間亦很有好感.

不過思前想後, 覺得升讀小學也很重要. 因為啟思可以免面試, 直升小學(雖然職員沒有說"直升", 但是感覺是這種意思), 而浸幼升王錦輝還要面試, 創價有聯繫的小學又不在我們這區. 所以想來想去, 還是下定決心讀啟思了.

s_s | 2008-12-02 23:13
我住西貢, 可能要早半個鐘上車囉?!

我自己本人就好buy啟思小學, 所以先揀附屬幼稚園, 我只考了這一間kindergarten, 其他都無考!
最多報了多一間esf kindergarten, 不過esf只係大抽獎, 唔水interview, 我估我都係無份了~

不過就算esf收左, 我都唔知點揀好?! 因為esf始終中文方面好弱, 我唔想亞仔中文差
Tree630 | 2008-12-03 10:54
我自己的考慮是: 小學每天至少6小時, 還得讀6年. 幼稚園是每天3小時, 讀3年. 當然是小學的影響力比較大.

我和我老公都喜歡啟思小學, 如果讀它的附屬幼稚園, 能夠直升(應該可以吧), 那我們為了小學, 就選定它吧, 更何況幼稚園沒有什麼不好的口碑, 有的家長還說孩子讀得很開心呢.
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