GSIS K1 2012/13 面試結果來信

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papayamm | 2012-04-22 10:04
我昨天收到GSIS來信,信件寫 -

We are delighted to let you know that XXXX performed very well and has gained a positive result in all areas of the assessment.

We are currently reconciling our place availability for the coming academic year and sincerely hope that we will soon be in a position where we can confirm a place for XXXX. As soon as we do have further details our Admission Office will contact you.”

咁喺收咗定喺wailing list?


FattyDaddy | 2012-04-22 11:32
Quote:papayamm 發表於 12-4-22 10:04
我昨天收到GSIS來信,信件寫 -

咁喺收咗定喺wailing list? ...
Well, you are WAITING for them to contact you, right? {:1_1:}

papayamm | 2012-04-22 12:24
Yes, waiting, tried to call the school admission office many times but difficult to get through. really anxious to know if an offer is there. what's your view on this?
FattyDaddy | 2012-04-22 12:43
Quote:papayamm 發表於 12-4-22 12:24
what's your view on this? ...
I think I have already expressed my view, what they wrote was just a roundabout way of saying "we have put you on our waiting list" :-|

papayamm | 2012-04-22 22:48
oh, understood, disappointed...
mommom017 | 2012-04-23 09:45
I think chance to get the place is high, I don't think they are many on the waiting list like other school ! Good Luck!

bobbycheung | 2012-04-23 18:11
回復 papayamm 的帖子 Please check PM.
musicien | 2012-04-23 18:53
May I know when u applied? I don't hv an int chance

papayamm | 2012-04-23 21:22
Quote:mommom017 發表於 12-4-23 09:45
I think chance to get the place is high, I don't think they are many on the waiting list like other ...
Thank you mommom017 for your encouragement!

papayamm | 2012-04-23 21:23
Quote:musicien 發表於 12-4-23 18:53
May I know when u applied? I don't hv an int chance
application submitted last year and interviewed this Mar...

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