Comment on 耀中國際學校(九龍塘)

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DMum | 2007-05-29 11:52
YC Mon.
Can you tell me the english standrad and academic results for your kid? I want to know if you always says YC english is bad and whether your kids' english standard is also poor. Comparing with other ESF, how many grade does your kid behind the standard with the same age, can you tell me.

Don't laugh someone who are bad in english. My sister tell me a lot of Chinese immigrate to Singapore, their english is not good but the other subjects are very good. When the teacher translate the english questions to chinese, they know how to do that at once. Of course, my counsin never look down the immigrates or her classmates. She told me they are very, very smart and nobody laughs them. Language is a communication tools and nobody said that he speaks a language perfectly. They use several years and chase the standard.

My sister tells me her friend's kid is studying in ESF and they don't know the chinese. Her friend sent her kid to attned the chinese lessons. Why you don't look down the kid who doesn't know chinese if they are Chinese.

ICSfather | 2007-06-02 08:54
咪咪媽 | 2007-06-06 06:39
Their English is one grade lower than RC. But the Chinese is 2 grade higher than them. But lots of kids are leaving after this term. :hammer:
YC-MOM | 2007-06-11 12:12
做家長有乜緊要得過,搵到一間 "滿意" 的學校比自己的孩子?

我只係想講一講耀中的真正情形比非耀中家長聽,等佢地唔好有太大幻想;我識好多家長,包括我自己,都對耀中的英語環境感到失望的。當然,都一定有好多人覺得 OK,覺得滿意,甚至覺得好好,咁就得啦,你可以開開心心繼續比孩子讀。

我 d 孩子係對自己要求好高的,學習,做功課都係自己搞掂,佢地各方面的水平都好。
或者你可以睇多幾次我的 message,我唔滿意的,係學校收太多英文差的外來學生。
我係信奉 "有教無類" 的人,我唔介意孩子同學水平差,不過一定唔可以係英文差。

我唔會同 ESF 比,因為人地係 90+% 英語,耀中只係約 80% 英語,英語一定比人地低。
但如果真係要跟 ESF 比,用你地話的 "$10 水果" 舉個例啦:
ESF = 90% 英語 10% 中文 = 共 100% ;
耀中 = 70 % 英語 20 % 中文 = 只有 90 %。
因為那 10 % 本來屬於英語的 ,但英語環境不適當,應有的水平根本發揮唔到。

國際學校唔係甚麼了不起的東西,如果英文水平唔夠,讀番本地學校 ( 或部份有國際學校 "完素" 的本地直資學校 ) ,孩子應該會發揮得更好。
而且,耀中的問題,並非每年只收兩三個英語差的學生,而係急速 expand,令英語差的學生比例,比以往大大提高。

小學部以往每級 2-3 班,今年係4-5 班,你話期間 expand 得算唔算多?
至於中學部,新校舍每級可以收 8 班,但 year 6 今年只有 4 班,即使全部學生選讀耀中中學,都要收 4 班插班生 ( 今年 year 6 好多人走,好多考到 ESF,CANIS,GSIS 等,除 ESF,其他都要比 debenture,人地轉校原因係乜,自己估 ) 。中學部的老師,大部份係本地香港人,老師們本身的英語水平都不好 ( 我唔再講,可參考其他人之前發表的 messages ),再加上主要收了大量從本地學校插班的學生 ( 我聽聞,中學部收生情形唔錯,有 d 級別已經有 waiting list 了 ) ,你地覺得會有一個怎樣的英語環境?

講白 d ,就係一間全港最貴學費的 local school,全英語教學當然受那些未能如願入到心儀英中的歡迎 ( 香港英中數目唔多,亦唔易入 ) ,學位亦係 "先到先得",卦名係有 admission test,但其實跟本冇認真篩選學生,總之只要你肯交留位費就比你讀。

反正錢係你的,你覺得 20 萬 debenture,及每個月過萬學費,但語言環境跟 local school 一樣,也覺得值得,那就好了。

mesenfants | 2007-06-22 04:16

I'm new to this forum and couldn't help but join in after reading this topic on YC.

I have 2 children, both went to YC from kindergarten and left the school when they were aged 9. To be honest, I thought the kindergarten was terrific for the children which they were taught English and Chinese at the same time. The teachers were really nice and friendly; the environment was clean; the amahs were helpful and especially we knew that the other kids there have decent backgrounds so that my children would be in a cursefree environment.

First let's start with my son. Initially YC wasn't what it is now. He had friends who were all local Hong Kong children but now the school has mostly mainlanders as pupils. Then there was Chinese lessons which I think the school had put too much emphasis on meaning the percentage in English knowledge/learning had declined. I told myself 'this is it!' I had to act, on behalf of my son, for his future even though he wasn't 9 yet at the time. Just before Christmas I took him to London to see his would-be new school (a preparatory boarding school) and from then on we never looked back!

Apparently, I believe that many of you are wondering why I let my daughter still further her primary years from kindergarten in YC. This is because, as you might have realised, that YC excels at their Chinese teaching. So after four years of primary at YC to learn Chinese is enough for her to have grasped the basics of PuTongHua. My principle was that I did not want my girl to be better at Chinese than English. When she left YC last year, I think the emphasis on Chinese and English was 50-50. From that statistic, you just cannot call YC an internation school - it is a joke. FYI on the year she left, I remember that there were about 16 teachers leaving, so it does make you think, doesn't it? Now my girl is in a new international school and she is extremely happy with the environment, resources, equipments and not to mention the uniform (in her own words 'the coolest uniform ever').

Lastly one final comment - if your child is still in YC primary years, he/she might not be too late to 'get out'! However, if you leave him/her till the secondary years, it might be a bit too late to change school because his/her command of English would not be up to scratch compared to other IS and Chinese to mainstream schools. So for your children's sake, I urge you to seriously think what you want for your kid's education. ENGLISH or CHINESE in an international school!

Apologies if too long for some!
mesenfants | 2007-06-22 05:01
The following is an incident I would like to share with you all.

Nearly 2 years ago, my husband and I took our daughter to an IS school in Kowloon for an interview, which she passed on the spot. As we waited for the Principal to return to take us to show us around the school, we met the Assistant Principal (AP). We talked about my daughter and as soon as we mentioned she studied in YC, the AP said 'Yew Chung? The English isn't particularly good in that school, is it?' As parents from YC at that moment, we felt quite embarassed actually because afterall it was the truth. Not only this was the truth to us YC parents, in fact it was known to other schools too.

AAARGGHHHH - the shame of it!!!

But now every time I mention it to my friends, I find it hilarious!!! :-) :-) :lol:
lulusing | 2007-06-22 05:13

Any information about the destinations of YC graduates?


mesenfants | 2007-06-22 05:50
Even if you phone up the office to ask, I doubt they can give you more information! Well it doesn't hurt to try!
lulusing | 2007-06-22 06:25
the public results of the school is not that bad. In IB, the top score student achieved this year is 44, from my knowledge, all graduates has 100% university placement.
To have a better picture of the IB results, you better ask the school how many of those achieving good scores in IB are homegrown YC students ( I mean excluding those who joined YC from other schools at Yr 12). Also ask for detailed statistics of their IGCSE results. If the school is willing to give you the figures, you will understand what I mean by " academic standard not good." Check out how they presented their public exam results on the web --- very vague and misleading.

Regarding University placement -- it is not at all impressive; mostly second or third tier UK universities. Check out other IS e.g. CIS and HKIS. They show a very clear account of where the students go each year. YC doesn't show the statistics to that level of details. Just lump everything together.

Besides the two messages from the above parents,
any more information about the academic results and university placements of YC graduates?

WYmom | 2007-06-22 08:09

I have attended some intro session of YC last year, if I remember correctly, the average IB results of YC is 28. The average of other IS is 33 to 35. So good or not is obvious.
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