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HKTHK | 2013-07-04 15:19
Does it really matter? There are even different accents in the UK and US. As long as you are fluent, HK is international enough that you will run into many different accents.
shadeslayer | 2013-07-04 15:51
Quote:原帖由 flashingcat 於 13-07-04 發表
回復 fanfanbb 的帖子 其實好難控制, 好似我阿仔, 佢係美國出世到3歲, 本來係講美英, 返黎香港, K1 teache ...
唔講一句英,一句美,一句澳,大雜會咁咪 OK 囉。

flashingcat | 2013-07-04 20:29
回復 shadeslayer 的帖子 我就係怕佢越黎越雜.....佢DADDY想轉佢去讀HKIS, 但條waitlist 長到呢............我老公最近同我講話香港人真有錢, 連學生都一人一部 iphone, ipad , 國際學校咁貴都要排長龍, 仲大把人爭, 佢話香港睇黎應該超越咗nyc. 其實我唔係好介意口音, 不過佢daddy 就想佢講番美英.
shadeslayer | 2013-07-04 22:36
Quote:原帖由 flashingcat 於 13-07-04 發表
回復 shadeslayer 的帖子 我就係怕佢越黎越雜.....佢DADDY想轉佢去讀HKIS, 但條waitlist 長到呢.......... ...
我諗好少lS可保持老師學生來源地/家庭能統一,Kellete and Harrow 可能真的比較英式. HKIS接近美式已很好了。

FattyDaddy | 2013-07-04 22:45
Quote:flashingcat 發表於 13-7-4 20:29
國際學校咁貴都要排長龍, 仲大把人爭, 佢話香港睇黎應該超越咗nyc
Can't really compare that way, because most New Yorkers don't avoid local schools like the plague {:1_1:}

flashingcat | 2013-07-04 22:52
回復 shadeslayer 的帖子 可以咁講, 所以仲排緊HKIS, 但排到有位嘅時侯, 唔知洗唔洗又去第二度咯... 最幣係老公又唔係高層人仕, 係嘅話公司就會買位啦....中產真悲哀.

luingan | 2013-07-05 13:13
都唔係架,同香港差唔多,grade 5 要出去補習,爭入好嘅middle school, or move all the way to long island to find better public school there, 有錢個批送仔女去new england 區prep school, 學費仲貴過香港IS

FattyDaddy | 2013-07-05 13:34
Quote:luingan 發表於 13-7-5 13:13
都唔係架,同香港差唔多,grade 5 要出去補習,爭入好嘅middle school, or move all the way to long islan ...
We're not talking about money or school fees, but the behaviour of flocking to international schools. Now we don't see New Yorkers beating down the door to enter British German French Japanese Korean and gasp even Singapore international schools, do we {:1_1:}

luingan | 2013-07-05 13:50
hkers consider IS = good private school no matter the school was originally supposed to accommodate foreigners.. just like new yorkers are crazy for getting into top rank private schools either

FattyDaddy | 2013-07-05 13:55
Quote:luingan 發表於 13-7-5 13:50
hkers consider IS = good private school...
HAHA, I think there is more to it than that, but you are entitled to your opinion {:1_1:}

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