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flashingcat | 2013-07-05 16:24
well, those who have kids in private schools are blue blooded, we can't even get an admission form. we were happy with upper east public school and if we returned to NY, we may consider long island. Only the richest of the rich group will consider private schools but other professionals will not. At least non of our friends considered though our income reached 3XXk per year. Once there was a news on paper, a chairman of a company requested the whole company staff to call one of the elite private schools on the admission day in order to get an admission form. anyway, I am not at that level, I can only enjoy their lives by watching gossip girls. XOXO

md23 | 2013-07-05 16:32
Quote:flashingcat 發表於 13-7-5 16:24
well, those who have kids in private schools are blue blooded, we can't even get an admission form. ...
Yeah, some just use their imagination and say Americans don't avoid public school. For those, I suggest a documentary, nursery university.

FattyDaddy | 2013-07-05 16:58
Hmm, seems this discussion is going off on a tangent, from accents to local schools vs international schools and then public local schools vs private local schools.

Well, exit time, for me anyway {:1_1:}
nintendo | 2013-07-05 22:24
ny 人常說部份 sf 人用詞怪
shadeslayer | 2013-07-05 22:46
Quote:原帖由 nintendo 於 13-07-05 發表
ny 人常說部份 sf 人用詞怪
如果係 consistent, 咩口音不大問題。雜到一句美音一句英音就敝。

nintendo | 2013-07-05 22:57
Quote:shadeslayer 發表於 13-7-5 22:46
如果係 consistent, 咩口音不大問題。雜到一句美音一句英音就敝。


有網友話要學美音,我就想話,唔該講清楚 d,東岸定西岸,還是中部都 ok


flashingcat | 2013-07-05 23:21
不如你開名係話我啦!可以答你我地識分,我地兩口子都係 mid-west 音,兩個都係係由小住STL。結婚8年move咗6次,東,中,西,南都住過。我並唔介意小朋友係乜美音,但千萬唔好越黎越多雜音夾雜啫。

yumiee | 2013-07-06 03:40
oh!sorry 引起大家爭嗌. 我呢個普通香港人.只係香港口音.唔想個女都係咁.所以想比佢細細個學不是香港口音啫. 多謝大家比下意見. 唔好激氣.

flashingcat | 2013-07-06 08:43
[i=s] 本帖最後由 flashingcat 於 13-7-6 08:43 編輯 [/i] 回復 yumiee 的帖子

shadeslayer | 2013-07-06 08:45
Quote:原帖由 flashingcat 於 13-07-06 發表
本帖最後由 flashingcat 於 13-7-6 08:43 編輯 回復 yumiee 的帖子

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