Island Christian Academy ("ICA")

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plusskin | 2013-11-07 15:16
剛剛收到ica 叫我個女去interview 請問其他家長有冇收到year 1 既interview呢
同埋可唔可以share下interview通常考d乜 謝謝 萬分感激
BBKate | 2013-11-07 18:48
Quote:原帖由 plusskin 於 13-11-07 發表
剛剛收到ica 叫我個女去interview 請問其他家長有冇收到year 1 既interview呢
同埋可唔可以share下inte ...
I have applied year 1 for my daughter, but no news yet, except the confirmation letter to acknowledge my application

elmostoney | 2013-11-08 11:02
agree with YTLam. 多聽不同家長心聲, 每人要求不同. 更重要是一定要school visit, 相信自己的眼睛. 而且弄清楚心中要求, 如果設施. 中學這些都很重要, ica就不合要求. 有些人會要求每星期學校有課程匯報進度, ica這方面是不怎麼做的, 功課也少 (補充一下: 有些家長真的喜歡多功課, 不單單是ica, 其他國際學校也有), 有些會要求大大提高程度, 其實就是接近本地學校了, 所以當別人說那間學校好, 也先理解家長自己有什麼要求.
elmostoney | 2013-11-08 11:20
There will be a Christmas Fair at ICA on Nov 30 (Saturday) 2 ~ 5 pm. It is a fund-raising activity for the school, but it could also be a good opportunity to meet some of the ICA parents and children.
plusskin | 2013-11-08 14:12
回復 BBKate 的帖子 放心丫 應該會陸陸續續send email 你可能未收到啫
BBKate | 2013-11-08 17:03
Hope to get it soon. Do u know what kind of interview format will be?

plusskin | 2013-11-12 10:20
回復 BBKate 的帖子 我都唔知係咩形式 但有時聽D同事講 佢地D仔女讀IS 話通常面試形式叫佢地畫畫 問D好簡單問題咋喎
你幾時遞FORM架 ICA???

BBKate | 2013-11-12 12:11
I received email to confirm the interview on 28 Nov and it mentioned that it will be informal interview mainly to test the child's English ability

plusskin | 2013-11-14 13:21
回復 BBKate 的帖子 哩間都雖然係剛剛創校 唔知係咪都好難入呢????知唔知道佢來年收幾多班year 1???
whl1019 | 2013-11-15 21:49
its 4 classes and each 22 students max.

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