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nkpa | 2013-07-08 12:59
The real thing is: some HK people are proud of their US/UK accent, but very few (if any at all) are proud of HK accent.

shadeslayer | 2013-07-08 13:06
Quote:原帖由 nkpa 於 13-07-08 發表
The real thing is: some HK people are proud of their US/UK accent, but very few (if any at all) are ...
I not saying proud, I am saying not to be ashamed of.

Mighty | 2013-07-08 15:32
有無天分我5知、不過我覚得自己開左竅、明白応該要不同o的「調子」去講不同o的語言、我係日本讀大学、我o的日文都無香港人口音架。[Why should someone be ashamed of themselves......]我又覚得5係話ASHAMED 5 ASHAMED、既然学得外語、又点解5去WUN方法、PICK UP英/美口音、要用広東口音? 做不到100%、都可以7、80%GE. 
yumiee | 2013-07-08 22:40

Mighty | 2013-07-09 11:01
Quote:yumiee 發表於 13-7-8 17:40

睇下係你自己、定係小朋友、如果係小朋友、就一定要同NATIVE学(任何語言都係、因為年紀小、会自然PICK UP到語調)、始終年紀細学、就容易好多。 但如果我地已経成年了、就要下多点工夫。 首先是従毎一個字、簡単的字都要、再好学下IPA、便会発現我地有好多錯音。 例、MANAGE (IPA 符号 mæn
ɪdʒ)這個字的第一個A同第2個A是不同音的、如果2個A都讀成同一A音、就好港式、葉劉就係死係NEE D位。 当単字的発音好了後、就留意NATIVE成日都有的連音、脱音等。 最後就留意毎句的高低音。 這個PROCESS都幾BORING、BUT習慣了就好有成功感。 順属個人分享。
mamath | 2013-07-09 12:13
I think this is a good question. I personally prefer UK English and therefore have chosen UK educational materials in particular for my 19 month old son. I chose Oxford Path instead of Disney simply because of this reason. And I also subscribed BBC television programmes for myself and my son.

All these do not guarantee UK accents but hopefully he can be immersed in this accent when he is young. Playgroup and KG teachers come from around the world and sadly I cannot control that part.
shadeslayer | 2013-07-09 13:32
[i=s] 本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 13-7-9 13:58 編輯 [/i] Quote:原帖由 Mighty 於 13-07-09 發表
睇下係你自己、定係小朋友、如果係小朋友、就一定要同NATIVE学(任何語言都係、因為年紀小、会自然 ...
Deleted .........

shadeslayer | 2013-07-09 13:57
Quote:原帖由 Mighty 於 13-07-09 發表
睇下係你自己、定係小朋友、如果係小朋友、就一定要同NATIVE学(任何語言都係、因為年紀小、会自然 ...
成年後改 accent 非常難,有興趣無妨,但效果成疑。 質疑別人英文好,溝通無問題,但不改善香港音,是吹毛求疵。

Mighty | 2013-07-09 16:56
我又5覚得係吹毛求疵、有時5知道的時候、就5知自己錯、比人指摘後、先知自己一路都係讀錯、然後慢慢改過来。 有興趣改善英文讀音的朋友、可以試下。
shadeslayer | 2013-07-09 19:50
[i=s] 本帖最後由 shadeslayer 於 13-7-9 19:57 編輯 [/i] Quote:原帖由 Mighty 於 13-07-09 發表
我又5覚得係吹毛求疵、有時5知道的時候、就5知自己錯、比人指摘後、先知自己一路都係讀錯、然後慢慢改過 ...

留意我說英文良好及溝通無問題,如葉劉。在這前題下要改 accent ,不應視為必要,不應被指責。而只是為興趣。

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