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Mighty | 2013-07-09 20:53
Shadeslayer, although係中文、其実我5係好明白你講緊MAAK。 不過、5緊要、因為我覚得我Ge回答対這条THREAD無MAAK貢献、所以我会在此消失。対改善口音有「興趣」的朋友、可以試下我GE方法、WORK 5 WORK都無壊。 
picture | 2013-07-15 14:08
my humble opinion is as long as it is not Aussie accent and the child is not taught to read July 1st as July one!!!!

Mighty | 2013-07-15 14:28
Oh I wonder why not Aussie accent? Aussie accent can vary a lot... some part is just like English English but with more emphasis on the A, I found it ok bor. One of my tenants is an Aussie and is teaching English and I really love her accent.
shadeslayer | 2013-07-15 15:55
When HK's DSE students' English passing rate is less than 50%, you guys are talking about which accent to learn, like you have much control over that for your kids?

Mighty | 2013-07-15 20:47
BUT NEE 度係国際学校 FORUM BOR? 在這個香港教育制度下、辺果会対在本地学習外語有希望鴉!! 聴下「NG得点」D英文就知LA!! 但係、但係、有興趣改的、就5同LOR. 一般香港年青人、無懶音都好難得LA.
samsam123321 | 2013-07-27 01:01
[i=s] 本帖最後由 samsam123321 於 14-3-20 15:20 編輯 [/i] Deleted.
victoryu19 | 2013-11-15 13:26
i prefer to stay away from the British accent myself.
annie40 | 2013-11-15 14:09
Regina 是英国文学女状元, 是少有的文采高手, 跟念法律的Audrury,作比较, 是orange and apple, 並你合理. 如果有机会问当事人, 可能得谈笑!
cowmoon | 2013-11-15 16:45
想深一層,如果想做 global citizen, 到時你的同學/同事可能來自 54 個國家,口音還重要嗎?
victoryu19 | 2013-11-15 16:48
I prefer 'soccer' over 'football', 'eraser' over 'rubber', 'aluminum' over 'aluminium', etc.
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