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nervousmichelle | 2022-05-23 16:59
[i=s] 本帖最後由 nervousmichelle 於 22-9-20 21:05 編輯 [/i] Delete

Suits | 2022-05-24 22:59
Are you on waiting list?

nervousmichelle | 2022-05-24 23:45
Quote:Suits 發表於 22-5-24 22:59 Are you on waiting list?

No, I haven't received any notification yet. The teacher said they would send out notification within two weeks. But it has been over two weeks since last interview.

Suits | 2022-05-25 01:15
Quote:nervousmichelle 發表於 22-5-24 23:45 No, I haven't received any notification yet. The teacher said they would send out notification with ...

I see. I thought the selection was all centralised and made based on the videos. Didn’t know there is such second round. How did the school notify you to come to interview?

CloveH | 2022-06-07 17:24

nervousmichelle | 2022-06-07 22:22
Quote:CloveH 發表於 22-6-7 17:24 點解有第二輪?我一直waitpool


CloveH | 2022-06-09 07:31
Quote:nervousmichelle 發表於 22-6-7 22:22 我問過Admission,話第一輪通過video會直接發一批offer,然後還會挑選一部分人進入第二輪面試。第二輪面試 ...


nervousmichelle | 2022-06-09 10:14
Quote:CloveH 發表於 22-6-9 07:31 請問宜家出左第二輪offer未?


CloveH | 2022-06-09 10:19
Quote:nervousmichelle 發表於 22-6-9 10:14 出咗,我哋亦accept咗offer。

恭喜+十分之羨慕…請問你有冇foreign passport?

nervousmichelle | 2022-06-09 10:36
Quote:CloveH 發表於 22-6-9 10:19 恭喜+十分之羨慕…請問你有冇foreign passport?


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