Interview at KBCK

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225333 | 2006-02-07 13:43
Hi! moms,

My daughter is going to have an interview at KBCK this month or next month. Since she still can't speak or listen very well in English, I'm so worry about the interview. :oops: Can any mom whose kids has/had such interview before give me an advice? :adore:
tpoon | 2006-02-08 10:56
Can I know the full name of KBCK. Thanks
225333 | 2006-02-08 11:36
Kowloon International Baptist Church Kindergarten :adore:
tpoon | 2006-02-08 22:34
Can you tell me what kind of school can reach to after graduated from KBCK, int'l school or local school?
Many thanks.

Sandrine | 2006-02-08 23:06

As you may have already known, KBCK gives priority to English-speaking children. While not all the children there are native-speakers, if your daughter is comfortable in communicating in English, then the chance for her to get in will be higher.

Last year, we were interviewed by Mrs Sam but she had already left. She let my daughter play with some toys and chatted with her. She also chatted with us (my husband and I). Then Mrs Sam took my daughter to the classroom. She introduced my daughter to the children and let her play with them. She asked her more questions then when my husband and I were outside the classroom watching.

But the school has a new administrator from Yew Chung this year and I'm not sure if she will be the one conducting the interview and whether the interview will be conducted the same way as before. Good luck.


Most children go to international school after completing K2. Those who want to go to local school have to continue with K3 somewhere else as KBCK only offers K1 & K2.
chanwyf | 2006-02-09 10:59
我想請問佢哋waiting list係咪好長? 我有朋友想報明年k1, 最近打兩次電話去問話已經太遲, 態度好差, 所以無去攞表. 後來佢問佢朋友(佢小朋友讀k2), 佢朋友都話唔止一次聽到某職員接聽電話後駡家長喎! 係咪真架?
Sandrine | 2006-02-09 12:02

I'm not sure whether the waiting list was long as I applied one year ahead. Perhaps those who applied late could share more?

About the manner of the person who handled the call, would you tell us what exactly happened? How did she respond and what did she say? And what did she say after she hung up? The staff were friendly when I called. I used to speak to Mrs Sam but even if somebody else answered, the staff would give me the impression that she knew my child and was very sincere, caring and helpful.

However, I would admit that my recent experience was not as good. I called in sick for my daughter every day for a whole week but the person who answered didn't even bother to ask how my daughter was. Every time I called, what she said was only, “OK, absence.” That was all, neither friendly nor caring. Perhaps she got a lot of similar calls. I hope she's not the new administrator from Yew Chung. If she was, I'd be really disappointed. :-| Anyway, I finally asked to speak to my daughter's head teacher and I felt much better afterwards.

chanwyf | 2006-02-09 14:59
Yew Chung的new administrator經常接聽電話的嗎? 聽說她們office只有兩個座位, 是"非黑髮"那個的態度非常差, 有點不可一世.

我朋友只大概說了情況, 沒有詳細講. 總之該"非黑髮"職員跟家長講電話時態度已是麻麻, 掛線後更對著旁邊那女仕駡該家長.

我自己都打過去問, 接聽的是一位較年長的職員, 英文說得不太流利, 但態度很好, 很有禮貌, 可能是messenger或amah之類.
225333 | 2006-02-10 12:52
Hi, Sandrine,

Nice to hear your reply. Thank you. My daughter's preformance is not steady. Sometimes she can answer and talk quite well, maybe while she's comfortable in the environment or familiar with such person. But sometimes not! :-( Not only english, she even wouldn't speak a word but just hiding to my back. If you keep on ask her (even very friendly), she would full tears on her eyes! :-o So that's why I'm so worry as well. :sleep:

Sandrine, I think I've talked with you before in other BK area. How's your daughter in KBCK? Are you still planning to let her enter ICS (as from my memory)? :-P
Sandrine | 2006-02-10 23:33
Hi 225333,

I understand your worries because my daughter is like that too. Let me share with you my experience. Last year, we went for a couple of interviews. With this school that we visited, my daughter didn't seem interested. She responded but some of the answers were wrong (e.g. she said she was one year's old). And after the interview, she told me that she didn't like the school. We knew it was not the school for her. With this other school, she seemed interested and responded well. She was willing to let the interviewer take her hand to join the class. She didn't want to leave when the interview was over. We knew it was the school for her. So I think if your daughter feels right, she'll be ok. :-P

But have you also applied for other schools to give her more choices? If she's not speaking much English at the moment, you may also try those that don't require fluency in English.

You sure have a good memory. Yes, I've applied for ICS for my daughter but probably won't get an interview till next year. My daughter is happy with KBCK. Everyday she comes home from school, she has a lot to tell me and I notice that she's learnt something new each day.

Again, good luck and hope you'll find the right kindergarten for your daughter. :-P
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