怎 样戒除 "Blink Eye"?

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pulsar | 2006-03-10 19:47
各 位,

請 問 有沒 有人可 以 提供 怎 样 令 一 個 一歲大的 BB女 戒除泛 眼,因為她有 一 次 見 電 視 裹的人物玩 單 眼 後,就 一 見 到 家人, 就 不 停 地 泛 眼。

Pulsar :lol:
joenkm | 2006-03-11 00:29
turn off the TV. My son blink frequent and now improve after I switch off TV power.
lenglengma | 2006-03-11 11:23

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I think there's nothing you can do. IGNORE her!
She wants your attention. Pretend that you don't notice her blinking...act as normal.
I guess if you consult the doctor, he/she will ask you to do the same...just ignore her...and the bad habbit will be gone soon.
Lenglengma ;-)