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zuke | 2006-03-20 14:56
有冇人知E間係乜學校?在九龍城區 :-?
Blythe_miki | 2006-03-20 15:14
ESF KGV 校徽 have a 側身企的獅子, but i'm not sure it is 藍色 or not.
WYmom | 2006-03-20 17:04
zuke 寫道:
有冇人知E間係乜學校?在九龍城區 :-?

Why do you want to know?
bbtung | 2006-03-21 09:29
It should be KGV.
Felicia726 | 2006-03-23 23:19
Yes, it's KGV. Just clarified with its old student.
WYmom | 2006-03-24 07:55
So what? :-?
Felicia726 | 2006-03-24 09:22
Ay, got a clarification with my stupid friend. He doesn't even remember clearly what's his mother school's symbol is like. Anyway, it's a yellow lion on a blue background. Therefore, if you asked about the 側身企的藍色獅子. That may not be KGV's 校徽.
Furthermore, what does the other mother mean 'so what?'. We are just trying to answer mother's query on this 校徽, although we don't know why she would like to know about this school symbol.
WYmom | 2006-03-24 09:59

I am asking zuke why he/she is asking this question, not challenging you. Every school has a logo, there is no point to discuss which logo belongs to which school.
lenglengma | 2006-03-24 15:17
We just thought that you were kinda rude that's all.
You should have kindly asked, "May I know why you want to know about that particular logo?" Now..that's more like it.
You think there's no point to discuss, it is only your point of view. Besides, we didn't force you to participate or even read the message in this page. You didn't have to participate in discussion then if you really think it is pointless, right?
May be that mother wants to know which that logo belongs to because she saw someone with that logo which she found impressive that she wanted to enroll her own kid into that school?
WYmom | 2006-03-24 17:02
lenglengma 寫道:
We just thought that you were kinda rude that's all.
You should have kindly asked, "May I know why you want to know about that particular logo?" Now..that's more like it.
You think there's no point to discuss, it is only your point of view. Besides, we didn't force you to participate or even read the message in this page. You didn't have to participate in discussion then if you really think it is pointless, right?
May be that mother wants to know which that logo belongs to because she saw someone with that logo which she found impressive that she wanted to enroll her own kid into that school?

Oh, seems that you are the administrator here or you represent all BK parents?? I have clarified that I am asking zuke, and in fact I have asked her once "politely" before, yet no response. So I just tell my feelings, and you feel offended??? ?-(

BTW, I feel that you are also very rude and you sounds scolding me. You can also skip reading my messages, right? Anyway, KGV is a good school.
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