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liulokyi | 2006-09-07 21:24
joenkm | 2006-09-08 18:09
I know Victoria is not so 'guaranteed', of course no one is guarantee even esf kinder. Friend of mine planned her son to IS and put him in Vic but failed in ESF interview.

Rest don't know wor, heard that 崇真 quite good, at least 崇真 will accept your kid for primary.

For better chances, I would let kid go Yew Chung, Kingston, ESF, YMCA, Anfield, many many
Murrychan | 2006-09-09 10:45
你可以揀一間國際幼稚園有附屬小學,如Think,creative, etc..
| 2006-09-09 14:49
我心目中係Anfield international kindergarten
joeymos | 2006-09-11 22:10
Anfield at Sai Kung?

Annie&Jimmy 寫道:
我心目中係Anfield international kindergarten

bigbighei | 2006-09-12 11:49

我地都唔想小朋友為讀書而讀書,想佢讀得輕鬆d,所以想比小朋友讀國際幼稚園, 但我的認識不足,所以想了解多d.


For better chances, I would let kid go Yew Chung, Kingston, ESF, YMCA, Anfield, many many

shinkansen | 2006-09-12 14:06
Tsung Tsin (TT) is not a Int'l School. They have Int'l Section, aiming at 60% IB & 40% main stream (like local traditional school). Their school fee of Int'l Section is cheaper than IS school comparatively cos' they are not 100% IS school. So far, kids studying at TT seem very happy and TT reputation is very good.
NinaW | 2006-09-12 14:07
You could consider Starters :lol:
| 2006-09-12 22:29
Anfield IK not at Sai Kung, is in Kowloon Tong
我都想知有無BK mama 的小朋友讀緊,any comments?? :adore:
SaBB | 2006-09-13 00:25
我應為如果想仔女將來入讀國際學校如ESF,就應該比佢地入讀正式既國際幼稚園如Starters, Anfield, Tutor Time而唔係一些本地學校既國際班或雙語班如崇真, 學之園。相反,如果想仔女入讀直資學校,就選讀這類幼稚園。

我就一心想仔女讀IS,所以會選一條龍個類(e.g CIS,YCIS.HKIS)
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