SandyKL | 2007-08-08 20:59 |
SandyHung | 2007-08-08 23:14 |
CMMANDY | 2007-08-09 08:42 |
天穎話她是青豆組, Cyrus 就番茄組, 另一組是粟米組:mrgreen: Quote:原文章由 SandyHung 於 07-8-8 23:14 發表 ![]() 係呀, 是黑皮膚 短頭髮架。 Tim & Yola 編埋同一組 ~ 橙組。:) |
Furbabies | 2007-08-09 11:20 |
Elliott said that Mr. Roger and Mrs. Scott are no longer with the school :cry: |
CMMANDY | 2007-08-09 12:24 |
SandyHung | 2007-08-09 12:47 |
昨日放學,我工人都未到樓下接送地點,校車姨姨放底 Tim 便走了,如果有危險,咁怎辦。:evil: |
Furbabies | 2007-08-09 13:46 |
I see. So Mr. Roger went back to UK for good! I thought it's easier to raise a family in HK. All my western colleagues love to stay in HK since they can hire cheap maids here! :-) |
CMMANDY | 2007-08-09 14:27 |
:-o :-o 只得Tim 一個:funk: , 咁大件事:angryfire:, 看來要搵搵Ms Fung 喎 :time: :evil: Quote:原文章由 SandyHung 於 07-8-9 12:47 發表 ![]() 昨日放學,我工人都未到樓下接送地點,校車姨姨放底 Tim 便走了,如果有危險,咁怎辦。:evil: |
CMMANDY | 2007-08-09 14:33 |
Furbabies | 2007-08-09 18:16 |
Alright! Then what's going on with Mrs. Scott? Pure co-incidence?:-| |