SandyKL | 2007-08-09 21:53 |
Yola冇講佢同Tim一組,不過我都冇問。:mrgreen: 唔知理個老師叫咩名呢? Quote:原文章由 SandyHung 於 07-8-8 23:14 發表 係呀, 是黑皮膚 短頭髮架。 Tim & Yola 編埋同一組 ~ 橙組。:) |
SandyKL | 2007-08-09 21:54 |
Mrs. Scott不嬲都係以兼職形式任教,佢唔係長工黎架。 Quote:原文章由 Furbabies 於 07-8-9 18:16 發表 Alright! Then what's going on with Mrs. Scott? Pure co-incidence?:-| |
SandyKL | 2007-08-09 21:58 |
有冇搵錯?好唔應該喎。我工人琴晚講話接Yola返黎架校車開得好快,而且可能係新既,佢快到過左龍唔識停低。SandyHung,係唔係仲係舊年果個呀? Quote:原文章由 SandyHung 於 07-8-9 12:47 發表 昨日放學,我工人都未到樓下接送地點,校車姨姨放底 Tim 便走了,如果有危險,咁怎辦。:evil: |
SandyHung | 2007-08-09 22:38 |
Tim 話唔記得個老師叫咩名! 佢有短暫失憶架!:chair: 好似明明自己沖左涼, 都可以話 好似未, 有時明明自己食左dinner, 都可以話未食。 激死人!:veryevil: Quote:原文章由 SandyKL 於 07-8-9 21:53 發表 Yola冇講佢同Tim一組,不過我都冇問。:mrgreen: 唔知理個老師叫咩名呢? |
SandyHung | 2007-08-09 22:52 |
SandyHung | 2007-08-09 22:54 |
就係囉, 擔心死我喇!:verycold: Quote:原文章由 CMMANDY 於 07-8-9 14:27 發表 :-o :-o 只得Tim 一個:funk: , 咁大件事:angryfire:, 看來要搵搵Ms Fung 喎 :time: :evil: |
Furbabies | 2007-08-10 10:30 |
Sandy Hung, I think you have to take it up with the school. Leaving behind Tim unattended is not acceptable. Elliott said that the bus is not running fast but it's a different bus taking him to and from school. |
coracora | 2007-08-10 15:45 |
SandyHung | 2007-08-10 17:55 |
coracora, 係?! "夢相成真"在那兒呀? 收費如何呀? 唔好喊la, 如果唔係太貴, 再去另一間影過, Baby House 個楊攝影師唔錯架! :) 你可否 send 幾張相給我看看?:o Quote:原文章由 coracora 於 07-8-10 15:45 發表 dear all 千祈吾好去"夢相成真"影相.呀囝輯相影得吾好.:-( :-( |
coracora | 2007-08-10 18:06 |