daniellew | 2016-11-22 14:13 |
Anyone knows what language the interview will be conducted? If a kid only speaks English or Putonghua, does it mean no chance at all? Heard that kids will go in alone. Are they going in one by one or in a group? ThX |
Kakastarstar | 2016-11-23 23:06 |
幾個小朋友一組,自己入課室面試,家長出面等 |
TST_Mama | 2016-11-25 01:35 |
唔識廣東話會好蝕底 |
daniellew | 2016-11-29 12:50 |
Quote:Kakastarstar 發表於 16-11-23 23:06 幾個小朋友一組,自己入課室面試,家長出面等 |
daniellew | 2016-11-29 12:50 |
Quote:TST_Mama 發表於 16-11-25 01:35 唔識廣東話會好蝕底 |
米寶 | 2016-12-01 09:43 |
[i=s] 本帖最後由 米寶 於 19-12-19 08:37 編輯 [/i]
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星星的後裔 | 2016-12-02 06:43 |
是小朋友獨自入去面試, 唔知點解有家長知用什麼語言考. 我個小朋友當時接近唔識講中文, 但都有offer.
早會內打招呼是英文, 即叫gd morning sister..., 唔係講修女早晨.... SPK 亦無NET. 我懷疑佢地根本就唔限死什麼時間教英文, 上堂時, 家長講故事時等等都是雙語. 但不是中英夾雜. |
Forgetmenot999 | 2016-12-08 15:32 |
Quote:星星的後裔 發表於 16-12-2 06:43 是小朋友獨自入去面試, 唔知點解有家長知用什麼語言考. 我個小朋友當時接近唔識講中文, 但都有offer. 早 ... |
dreamdream081 | 2016-12-12 17:37 |
:iloveit::iloveit::uwin: |
xiaoxiaoau | 2017-02-10 17:20 |
回覆 星星的後裔 的帖子
Would you mind tell me what kind of questions asking during the interview?Thank you |