我同事話佢申請左st paul's nursery, 無得in已經被派入"waitlist"

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Charlotte_mom | 2007-05-09 16:36
查實有無人有得in架 :-?
fatping1 | 2007-05-09 17:01
I am also one of those no interview parents and got rejection letter (the waiting list letter means rejection letter la)...

SPN usual practice is they won't give interview for all applicants, only give interview for around 60 students... so they will accept 99% of those interview students... this is all i know, of course i don't know what criteria they choose their students for interview. Nothing we can do now, just apply SPK la... :roll: :roll:
kaka皇后 | 2007-05-09 19:06
我諗佢係揀都親戚向度讀緊個d同埋有關係個d先啦,佢唔in都好大可能係一早巳額滿(因有d人好快手,一早巳經去報定名),費事做咁多野就真 :-P
HappyYammie | 2007-05-09 21:55

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