08-09讀 K1 既請入黎交流~

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LUImm | 2008-04-17 00:35
Hello, 各家長...

我係新手媽媽, 小晴今年入讀K1, 請多多指教及交流:)

大家收到學校寄黎既資料未 :-?
黎緊5月3號返學校影相喎. 你地記得嗎? 今日打電話問, 原來之前無交費, 都可以當日去到報名影相既...(咁都幾好丫)

另外, 記得fax 去book 校車呀...8-)
LionMM | 2008-04-23 13:27
Hi LUImm
my son also accepted by SMM pm class, how about your girl?

I thought I need to give the school bus form to school on 3 May tim, thanks ar.
jellycheng | 2008-04-28 16:04
Hello, parents, nice to meet you all. :meow:

My boy will study in SMM am class this September as well. For the school bus - I have already even mailed them the form with the cheque. Well, just wait for the notice/confirmation. :joyous:
BoBo1021 | 2008-05-08 23:38
Hi 各位媽咪

我有加細碼校服轉讓, 有興趣PM我啦.

校服裙 - Size 20
運動服 - Size 18
白色外套 - Size 18


CyrusMaMe | 2008-05-11 18:47
Hi all parents,

My son will study in SMM PM class in this Sept. He will be in 下幼信 class.
PetitLapin | 2008-05-12 18:18
Hi CyrusMaMe,

My son will be study in the same class as your son..
tabo817 | 2008-09-13 15:24
tautaub | 2008-09-13 23:58
我仔仔是下幼義, 搭a線校車
CyrusMaMe | 2008-09-14 19:30
Hi PetitLapin,

May I know if your son is still studying SMM? My son is the shortest and thinnest in the class.

Quote:原帖由 PetitLapin 於 08-5-12 18:18 發表
Hi CyrusMaMe,

My son will be study in the same class as your son..

PetitLapin | 2008-09-15 08:50
Hi CyrusMaMe,

I know which boy is your son. I should have seen you during the first week of Sept.
My son is the one who with small eyes when smile and his grandma brings him to school.

Quote:原帖由 CyrusMaMe 於 08-9-14 19:30 發表
Hi PetitLapin,

May I know if your son is still studying SMM? My son is the shortest and thinnest in the class.

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