08-09讀 K1 既請入黎交流~

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jellycheng | 2008-09-16 09:32
有呀有呀... 我阿囝都係上幼義班架, 我哋或者喺第一個禮拜陪返學時見過 :funny:

Quote:原帖由 tabo817 於 08-9-13 15:24 發表

CyrusMaMe | 2008-09-16 10:14
Hi PetitLapin,

My son's figure still like the small baby so it is easy to identify who is him.
Is you son also take the school bus? Or you live nearby? My son cried a lot (very loud) after school on the 2nd school day because he would like to play in the 家庭閣 but the teachers said that area was already full. The headmaster asked my son to play in next day but my son said "No".....so naughty....however my son say "Sorry" to the headmaster on next day.....

Quote:原帖由 PetitLapin 於 08-9-15 08:50 發表
Hi CyrusMaMe,

I know which boy is your son. I should have seen you during the first week of Sept.
My son is the one who with small eyes when smile and his grandma brings him to school.

tabo817 | 2008-09-16 14:30
Quote:原帖由 jellycheng 於 08-9-16 09:32 發表
有呀有呀... 我阿囝都係上幼義班架, 我哋或者喺第一個禮拜陪返學時見過 :funny:

Secure | 2008-09-16 16:14
then i know who is your son~:funny:
we are sitting next to u on 1 sept:wahaha:
nice to meet u :funny:
Quote:原帖由 CyrusMaMe 於 08-9-16 10:14 發表
Hi PetitLapin,

My son's figure still like the small baby so it is easy to identify who is him.
Is you son also take the school bus? Or you live nearby? My son cried a lot (very loud) after school o ...

CyrusMaMe | 2008-09-16 16:23
I remember I was sitting (or standing) near the door in the 1st school day. I cannot sit near my son because it was fully occupied.

You know my son because of his small size? Or because of he cried in the 2nd day? I was feel extreme embarassed at that moment.....
Secure | 2008-09-16 16:46

sorry, it should be "we were sitting next to u on 30 aug sat".:wahaha:

yes, i know your son as he is very small & cutie. 佢好乖比人搶左件toy,都唔cry&還手,只係好無奈咁望住件toy, right?:wahaha:
Quote:原帖由 CyrusMaMe 於 08-9-16 16:23 發表
I remember I was sitting (or standing) near the door in the 1st school day. I cannot sit near my son because it was fully occupied.

You know my son because of his small size? Or because o ...
[ 本帖最後由 Secure 於 08-9-16 16:48 編輯 ]
CyrusMaMe | 2008-09-16 17:10
Yes, my son likes to play piano much. 但我個仔係陌生地方就好怕死, 見到人大隻過佢就唔敢出聲, 但我見佢第5日自己上堂, 又係比人搶玩具, 佢即時同老師投訴: "我無得玩!", 但唔會哭同埋搶(鬼叫生得細粒).
Secure | 2008-09-16 17:20
你係唔係又係搭a bus??? (actually i have pm u last week regarding the school bus):oops:

Quote:原帖由 CyrusMaMe 於 08-9-16 17:10 發表
Yes, my son likes to play piano much. 但我個仔係陌生地方就好怕死, 見到人大隻過佢就唔敢出聲, 但我見佢第5日自己上堂, 又係比人搶玩具, 佢即時同老師投訴: "我無得玩!", 但唔會哭同埋搶(鬼叫生得細粒) ...

CyrusMaMe | 2008-09-16 17:46
I've replied your PM. Sorry for missing your PM as so many ad in the message list. I always close the prompt :p

My son's bus is "Red Star" which is 保姆車not school bus.
Secure | 2008-09-16 17:52
oic & thanks ~:funny:

Quote:原帖由 CyrusMaMe 於 08-9-16 17:46 發表
I've replied your PM. Sorry for missing your PM as so many ad in the message list. I always close the prompt :p

My son's bus is "Red Star" which is 保姆車not school bus.

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