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jellycheng | 2008-11-04 12:49
我諗關係唔太大, 阿囝頗多同學仔屋企都唔係教友。

Quote:原帖由 七點半 於 08-11-4 12:28 發表
我想請問是不是個小朋友都係天主教才高d機會入到聖大?? 如果只係父母一方係教友得唔得??

fckmama | 2008-11-04 13:00
i would like to apply this school for my son. However, my son is physically very active and cannot sit still for long. As such, I would very much like to know if the school and teachers are nice and can 包容 those active kids. Could existing parents pls kindly share ?

Quote:原帖由 BoBo1021 於 08-10-30 02:00 發表

每年都唔同架, 最好問吓學校. 今年就上午2班下午3班, 上年就上下午各3班, 一班多數二十幾人有3個老師.

foggyao | 2008-11-04 13:26
係咪一定係父母陪同? 定係只准其中一家長陪?

interview時, 會問父母d咩? 係咪都係理念之類? 咁小朋友係咪要坐定定晌側邊?

jellycheng | 2008-11-04 15:44
我覺得呢間學校嘅校長, 老師, even姐姐都好有愛心, 好關心小朋友。我個朋友個囡早排因小事唔肯返學, 校長知道後就特登約見家長, 分析阿囡呢個behavior, 然後再提議解決方法, 果然, 一個禮拜後, 阿囡已經ok, 冇再話唔返學了。

至於你話你阿囝好active... 唔, 細路仔通常喺屋企人面前會曳d (我嗰個都係), 不過, 喺學校同老師面前, 分分鐘乖到你難以置信, moreover, 我相信老師自會有佢哋嘅方法去應付類似情況, 所以, 你都唔使太擔心。:funny:

Quote:原帖由 fckmama 於 08-11-4 13:00 發表
i would like to apply this school for my son. However, my son is physically very active and cannot sit still for long. As such, I would very much like to know if the school and teachers are nice and ...

jellycheng | 2008-11-04 16:02
我舊年同阿囝去in時, 連嫲嫲都一齊入去, 無問題呵。

至於問咩... 我記得有問點解揀佢哋, 同埋如果下晝班會唔會考慮... detail嘅就真係諗唔起喇 :thinking:

Quote:原帖由 foggyao 於 08-11-4 13:26 發表
係咪一定係父母陪同? 定係只准其中一家長陪?

interview時, 會問父母d咩? 係咪都係理念之類? 咁小朋友係咪要坐定定晌側邊?


MiniDumbo | 2008-11-04 16:41
Hi Jellycheng!

Now your son is in AM class or PM class? Did u agree with school when there is no sit for AM then prefer PM?

Quote:原帖由 jellycheng 於 08-11-4 16:02 發表
我舊年同阿囝去in時, 連嫲嫲都一齊入去, 無問題呵。

至於問咩... 我記得有問點解揀佢哋, 同埋如果下晝班會唔會考慮... detail嘅就真係諗唔起喇 :thinking:


fckmama | 2008-11-05 08:48
thanks a lot for your reply. my son is studying pre-nursery class now. on parents' meeting day in Oct, teachers told me that my son cannot follow teachers' instructions and cannot sit still.
i have the same observations when we attend weekend playgroups together. After discussion with my husband, we now emphasises more discipline at home. But we think that it'll more effective if the school can 配合 as well. The current school is more like an IS.

As such, we would like to find a local kindy which stresses more on discipline but uses 活動教學may be more suitable to my son. But i worry that such local kindy may not be receptive to active and less disciplied kids.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your information. I've called the school for the interview time. And we can observe more on the interview day.

Quote:原帖由 jellycheng 於 08-11-4 15:44 發表
我覺得呢間學校嘅校長, 老師, even姐姐都好有愛心, 好關心小朋友。我個朋友個囡早排因小事唔肯返學, 校長知道後就特登約見家長, 分析阿囡呢個behavior, 然後再提議解決方法, 果然, 一個禮拜後, 阿囡已經ok, 冇再話唔 ...

Jomei | 2008-11-05 12:26
Quote:原帖由 BoBo1021 於 08-11-2 10:33 發表

放心啦, 父母係會同小朋友一齊既.

BoBo1021 | 2008-11-06 09:07
Quote:原帖由 Jomei 於 08-11-5 12:26 發表

未必既, 要睇吓出年有幾多班上午班, 當年我係答最好上午, 因為我可以送小姐仔返學.
jellycheng | 2008-11-06 09:20
我阿囝好好彩, 佢返緊上晝班。當然, 我相信大部份家長都會prefer上晝班(我亦係其中之一), 因為d時間會好用d嘛。但我亦相信, 如果嗰間學校係我哋心儀嘅, 上下晝班應該都唔係大問題。

Quote:原帖由 MiniDumbo 於 08-11-4 16:41 發表
Hi Jellycheng!

Now your son is in AM class or PM class? Did u agree with school when there is no sit for AM then prefer PM?

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