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anthony010103 | 2009-07-08 15:37

I am confused bout "
自行派位" suggested in the following link. Does the column mean using score to be admitted,
knocking the door with strong connection or what else? Im quite confused...../.\:crying:

JoJo | 2009-07-09 09:17
自行派位的意思. 是指第1st round 以計分形式而入到該校意思.

小一分配學位是有兩輪. 第一輪是計分, 分數越高, 入到該校機會越大, 如第一輪失敗左就要進入第二輪就係大抽獎了.

按你住既地區及隨機no. 而分配學校給你的. 希望幫到你


Quote:原帖由 anthony010103 於 09-7-8 15:37 發表

I am confused bout "自行派位" suggested in the following link. Does the column mean using score to be admitted,
knocking the door with strong connection or what else? Im quite confused...../.\:cryin ...

anthony010103 | 2009-07-09 14:06
Quote:原帖由 JoJo 於 09-7-9 09:17 發表
自行派位的意思. 是指第1st round 以計分形式而入到該校意思.

小一分配學位是有兩輪. 第一輪是計分, 分數越高, 入到該校機會越大, 如第一輪失敗左就要進入第二輪就係大抽獎了.

按你住既地區及隨機no. 而分配學校 ...

that means 'knocking the door' not included?
Callas | 2009-07-09 14:20
Quote:原帖由 anthony010103 於 09-7-9 14:06 發表

that means 'knocking the door' not included?

如無記錯 'Knocking the door' should be so called'第三輪'.
If after 第一輪 and 第二輪, you still can't get the school that you want, you can then go 'knock the door' yourself.
JoJo | 2009-07-09 15:20
Yes, you are correct, Knocking the door means 第三輪既叩門.


在叩門部份要準備小朋友的Porfolio. (有些學校收, 有些就不收, 要問清楚學校), 還要問心儀學校何時派叩門表格 (因間間唔同的)

亦順帶一提. 第一輪是沒有限制區域 (你住香港, 揀新界區學校也可的. 因只計分). 第二輪則是按你住的地區而揀小學的.

Quote:原帖由 Callas 於 09-7-9 14:20 發表

如無記錯 'Knocking the door' should be so called'第三輪'.
If after 第一輪 and 第二輪, you still can't get the school that you want, you can then go 'knock the door' yourself.

Callas | 2009-07-09 22:12
Quote:原帖由 JoJo 於 09-7-9 15:20 發表
Yes, you are correct, Knocking the door means 第三輪既叩門.


在叩門部份要準備小朋友的Porfolio. (有些學校收, 有些就不收, 要問清楚學校), 還要問心儀學校何時派 ...

JoJo, thanks for your information!
其實都好驚頭2輪入唔到, 要去knock door, 就好大pressure la
BoBo1021 | 2009-07-10 00:24
講到派位, 唉, 我家小姐仔得15分, 我都預咗呢個遊戲由頭玩到尾, 希望大家都入到心儀學校啦.:handsome:

Quote:原帖由 Callas 於 09-7-9 22:12 發表

JoJo, thanks for your information!
其實都好驚頭2輪入唔到, 要去knock door, 就好大pressure la

anthony010103 | 2009-07-10 09:59
i wonder it is not easy to be admitted to 聖保祿天主教 or SFCS for a 15-mark holder...:crying::crying:
JoJo | 2009-07-10 10:09
分享下. 我就係由頭玩到尾 (叩門都玩埋). 過程真係幾大壓力. 仲要係六月尾至知結果喎. 都幾磨人.


少少心得, 最緊要係專一 (即不能三心兩意. 一時揀A 校, 一時揀 B 校. 因到你要叩時. 如你不是一條心. 叩到既機會唔係好大呢, 因你唔夠誠意!)

Quote:原帖由 Callas 於 09-7-9 22:12 發表

JoJo, thanks for your information!
其實都好驚頭2輪入唔到, 要去knock door, 就好大pressure la

Callas | 2009-07-10 10:39
Quote:原帖由 anthony010103 於 09-7-10 09:59 發表
i wonder it is not easy to be admitted to 聖保祿天主教 or SFCS for a 15-mark holder...:crying::crying:

Hi anthony010103,

I have heard that 15 marks for st. Paul is ok(ofcourse not a sure mark)
For SFCS, i don't know la
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