聖瑪加利大 interview

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bebelee | 2009-12-07 14:34
Just attended the interview last Sat - the teachers didn't ask many questions...not sure why?

Can any mami share their interview content?
ahnew | 2009-12-07 16:00

choifay | 2009-12-07 22:55
Hi, I also experience the same, seems like the teacher is very " ma-fu" and I can feel very rush during the whole interview. I have something on my mind... do you still remember they give you a label with kid's name? ( for sticking on kids) ? Is there an " green spot" on the top corner of the label ?? Quote:原帖由 bebelee 於 09-12-7 14:34 發表
Just attended the interview last Sat - the teachers didn't ask many questions...not sure why?

Can any mami share their interview content?

cheukyu822 | 2009-12-07 23:12
No, no green spot on my daughter's label. my daugher is 0708. Interview time is very short. I think all kids did the same toys test but they seems more consentrate on parents answers.
enahau | 2009-12-07 23:58
Quote:原帖由 choifay 於 09-12-7 22:55 發表
Hi, I also experience the same, seems like the teacher is very " ma-fu" and I can feel very rush during the whole interview. I have something on my mind... do you still remember they give you a label ...

借問有green spot同無有咩分別呢?係咪無,收既機會好低?
elmolly | 2009-12-08 00:10
Quote:原帖由 choifay 於 09-12-7 22:55 發表
Hi, I also experience the same, seems like the teacher is very " ma-fu" and I can feel very rush during the whole interview. I have something on my mind... do you still remember they give you a label ...

there's a green spot on my girl's label, do you know what does it mean?
pooh_tigger | 2009-12-08 00:30
Me too, no green spot ar. I think both the parents & kid answers are important.
112200 | 2009-12-09 23:11

本人也在當天到聖瑪加利大interview, 我也留意到有人interview時間較長,有人就超級短. In小兒的老師更是馬虎了事.我都有留意貼紙上的greenspot有人有..有人無.
Hello elmolly, 你有greenspot, 你會否介意告訴你小孩是否有洗禮?或有否介紹人?有無兄弟姊妹正在讀?
Quote:原帖由 elmolly 於 09-12-8 00:10 發表

there's a green spot on my girl's label, do you know what does it mean?

jean2003 | 2009-12-09 23:17
Quote:原帖由 112200 於 09-12-9 23:11 發表

本人也在當天到聖瑪加利大interview, 我也留意到有人interview時間較長,有人就超級短. In小兒的老師更是馬虎了事.我都有留意貼紙上的greenspot有人有..有人無.
Hello elmolly, 你有greenspot, 你會否介意告 ...

如果佢地真系要區分...佢地手上已經有足夠資料評分表已經可以做手腳有記號...又史唔史整張有分別o既label呢? :toocold: :toocold:
elmolly | 2009-12-10 01:31
Quote:原帖由 112200 於 09-12-9 23:11 發表

本人也在當天到聖瑪加利大interview, 我也留意到有人interview時間較長,有人就超級短. In小兒的老師更是馬虎了事.我都有留意貼紙上的greenspot有人有..有人無.
Hello elmolly, 你有greenspot, 你會否介意告 ...

啱啱相反, 你講既全部都無. 唯一可能既, 係我地住九龍, 老師有特別問我呢樣野.
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