take supplement can help?

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ALAL | 2004-04-07 23:18
I just read from an English parenting magazine. A foreigner parent in HK has a child who is autistic. He, in addition for normal treatment, consulted doctors and doctors recommend taking high dose of fish oil and vitamin. He also brought his child to some kind of non-traditional biological treatment and he said his son is much calmer even after taking one week of vitamin and fish oil.
Any one is doing this or has any information on taking of supplement for autistic children? thanks.
HayBMum | 2004-04-08 09:21
I think we have read the same piece of article. I have checked with my paediatrician and saying that high dosage of fish oil & vitamin will have harmful effect to the child. For alternative treatment, I have search through the internet. Some articles talked about the alternative treatment (I forgot the academical name of it) is a kind of treatment that is very similar to the traditional chinese theory, i.e. human can cure its own sickness if you can get some stimulation. If someone is affected by certain illness, the alternative treatment is to use the drugs that can bring to that illness in very very small quantity to cure the person. This seems unbelievable therefore I did not try.

Alternatively, that parent bring his child to the Autism Partnership for the training. I have considered to use the same service but unfortunately the charges are very high that I cannot offer to my child.
ALAL | 2004-04-08 11:47

thank you for your time and you save me a lot of time.
In fact I am giving just from March a small dose of omega 3 to my son eveyday. I remembered reading an article in newspaper saying that there is research of taking omega 3 and successfully lift the intelligence of toodlers.
But giving high dose is perhaps dangerous. So giving amount appropriate to their age, is perhaps not harmful while expecting some positive result.
HelenMrs.Lau | 2004-04-08 11:54
OMEGA 3 --- 藥丸 OR 藥水0黎
ALAL | 2004-04-08 23:50
Hi Helen,
traditional doctor's opinion is
st | 2004-04-10 00:05
Dear all sis,

2003年尾,某份英国newspaper(生果日報有登ga)刊登左一個report:話用左6個月做research 話有take OMEGA 3/魚油的special kids(包括專注力低, 發展遲緩) 會突飛猛進,閱讀能力大大提高...... 我係米好似賣廣告 heeee heeee

所以我有買左SCOTT , cod liver oil capsules
Childred 1-6 yrs, 3 times per 1 粒.

According to my friend who is 賣藥的,SCOTT 司各脫係最信得過的.

Actually,I have not give it to my girl long time la. 見你地的post,我會再比個女lo飯.

Other than this Scott, there are many choice in the healthy food shop ga. But Scott is the most popular and easy to find la.


HayBMum | 2004-04-11 00:09
我比kawai魚肝油糖比阿仔食, 其實只是當糖食,好過比無益的糖佢, 無想過對腦部發展有幫助, 我覺得high dosage of omega3 等未必有用, 否則阿仔由細食到大的奶粉夠話有DHA/AHA....等, 結果到係有問題!
mamee | 2004-04-11 07:17

你講果扁報導, 我老公都有睇, 重拿拿林叫我買魚肝油俾仔仔,. 點知我仔仔食完敏感喎(你係容易敏感), 個身出左紅斑, 所以停左無食.
近黎見你地係bk講番起, 老公又叫我俾仔仔再試食過.
講真, 對於"大躍進"就期望, 就當維他命食啦.

ALAL | 2004-04-13 15:54
Beware! Kawai has not indicated the amount of DHA they have in one pill.

My son is also allegic when I let him have omega 3 may be one year ago. Now he is OK.

HayBMum | 2004-04-14 08:57
Hi all, do you find that most of our boys have the allergic problem. Is this one of the symptom for austism/delay development?
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