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Baby_zoe | 2005-04-04 12:43
香 港 電 台 精 靈 一 點 22/03/2005

兒 童 精 神 病 ( 精 神 科 陳 嘉 璐 醫 生 )



Hope that it's useful for you because my daughter also got that problem. I also just start to learn about it.
Dr.T | 2005-04-04 12:55
In fact I've talked about it on Oct 5 last year (same programme)... :lol:
Baby_zoe | 2005-04-04 13:12
No one will find out the topic from last year ar.


Dear Dr. T

Do you know which primary school will support such kind of children?

Where is cheaper for the check? The arrangement from Govt. hospital is too slow. Any recommend?

Please advise with many thx!

mrsphcheung | 2005-04-04 17:34
Dear Baby_zoe,
Does your child take medicine?

Those schools which will be "nearly killed" will be open to our kids..... Our kids need small-class teaching. Famous traditional schools will ask our kids to go away..... :-( :-( :-(
Dr.T | 2005-04-04 20:33
1. Just checked the RTHK archive and it's still there...Oct 5 04 精靈一點 >>RTHK Archive

2. Just as our web-friend mrsphcheung said, those schools which are on the verge of being "killed" will welcome them. Sad but true.

3. The fee will depend on how the psychologist/paediatrician/psychiatrist assesses the child. A certain psychiatrist Dr. C (the man) will diagnose your kid as ADHD in 15 minutes. I've heard that another Dr. C (the woman) is no better. Some psychologists might use a computer test but I have reservation about that. For me, that'll be hours of work (school observation + completion of questionnaires by all parties) and certainly will be expensive.

Baby_zoe 寫道:
1. No one will find out the topic from last year ar.
2. Do you know which primary school will support such kind of children?
3. Where is cheaper for the check? The arrangement from Govt. hospital is too slow. Any recommend?

crystalma | 2005-05-11 16:47
Hi! mrsphcheung,

我囝囝6岁几,读紧1年级, 一直都存在专注力弱及多动的问题. 最初, 我以为他在一间活动教学的幼稚园成长(K3下学期才开始学习写名及简单的字), 所以唔钟意写字亦比较活跃.

升上P.1, 开学时囝囝都未够6岁,自理能力弱, 经常性遗失东西,忙记带功课,书本, 没有写好手册, 老师又投诉需要特别照顾. 我以为囝囝年纪细,自理及专注力差,花了很多很多时间去锻练他,结果,上学期见家长,小考成绩其中四个主要科目有3A1C, 成绩不过不失, 老师很惊奇以囝囝这样差的专注力,可以考到这种成绩.

不过,下学期情况越来越坏,老师写手册话囝囝上堂时在班房站立,不守规则,要求我教他在学校要听老师话(这个我当然一直有做), 上星期见家长, 老师话囝囝自理能力较上学期有所改善但却投诉多多, 怀疑囝囝属过度活跃, 又要求转介见学校辅导主任, 我觉得老师好唔钟意囝囝, 听囝囝讲老师曾经说如果他再唔听话就掉去第二班,我觉得老师好似放弃左他.

其实, 囝囝好聪明,好善良, 亦算听话. 由于做功课做得慢,每日放学后,他都只得做功课, 无得玩, 无得睇电视, 去街街及睇电视只是星期六及日的节目. 他只不过控制唔到自己, 成日集中唔到精神, 游来游去. 所以变成了一个唔讨人喜欢的小朋友!:-( 我地已经好努力, 我觉得学校配合唔到亦唔支持我地, 我好怕长此下去, 对囝囝的发展会有坏影响, 因为, 他努力左但得唔到认同, 而且, 亦唔及得上其他小朋友,我怕他会失去左学习的兴趣.

我唔知道点样可以帮到囝囝, 我看见您的回应, 您是否也有同样情况的小朋友, 可以分享一下吗? 有没有一间较好的学校可以推介, 我好想帮囝囝转校, 觉得好旁徨!

crystalma :cry:
Dr.T | 2005-05-11 19:54

crystalma 寫道:

crystalma | 2005-05-11 22:35
Dr. T,

請問若要進一步求証, 有何方法? 請賜教, 謝謝!

Dr.T | 2005-05-11 23:05


crystalma 寫道:
請問若要進一步求証, 有何方法?...

monkeymama | 2005-05-13 01:02
Dear mrsphcheung ,

Do you have a list of the "nearly killed" primary schools in Kowloon district ? If you have it , would you mind let me know ? :adore:

Thanks in advance.

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