好口碑的主流小學 for ADHD

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monkeymama | 2005-04-05 19:07
Happy Mother's Day :-D :-D :-D
mrsphcheung | 2005-04-06 10:42
聖公會日修小學 ﹝黃大仙區﹞ is famous for its 融合教育, the principal is very dedicated to his work and does not discriminate less able children.

bonniechau7@netivgator 寫道:
各位朋友 :

我的兒子是 Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 5yrs old, 今年九月便要選小學, 有沒有好的主流小學可以介紹, 最好是小班教學, 小功課, 有愛心的老師, 最重要肯接納ADHD 的小朋友 ! 地區: 九龍或新界

麻煩請指点, 我真的很心煩 !

Hypermum :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

monkeymama | 2005-04-06 11:35
Dear Mrsphcheung,

Thank you for yr quick reply :-D

By the way, Do you know any ADHD group in HK (家長自助小組)

mrsphcheung | 2005-04-06 11:41
Dear Bonniechau,
I don't know any ADHD group in HK (家長自助小組). You can chat in this section as many mums with similar experience may have sharing here.

BTW, my child (also 5) is also suspected to have attention deficit problem (not hyperactive). Where is your child diagnosed as ADHD? Does your child take any medicine? Thanks.

monkeymama | 2005-04-06 12:15
:-( :-( :-(
mrsphcheung | 2005-04-06 12:22
Dear bonniechau,
Is 行為治療 a way to reinforce good behaviour and discourage misbehaviour?
monkeymama | 2005-04-06 12:51
Dear Mrsphcheung,

Yes ! You are right :-D
Previously my son is having Play Therapy Treatment , it is good way to release their emotion and understand them.

Hypermum :chair:
carolsin | 2005-04-06 16:35
Dear Hypermum,

May I ask you where do you start to do the assessment for your son and at what age?

Should I go to health clinic first / private clinic for referral to the child assessment centre?
and at what age?

My son is now 2 years old and he is extremely hyperactive with temper compared to others children at same age.

Many thanks for your answer.

monkeymama | 2005-04-06 18:49
:-o :-o :-o
didima | 2005-04-06 20:56
hi all:
let's i share , hope can help
my kid now 懷疑is ADHD , but he also is a gived child too, so the Edu, Psc suggest to do the assessment in private, ,first is Vision testing , second is psy , third is occup assessment, if diagnos is ADHD, can immediate to do the training
but the fee is very expensive
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