honeybma | 2007-11-14 14:23 |
請問培道小學幼稚園程度會唔會好低? |
ppsfung | 2007-11-14 14:31 |
我個女啱啱插班入讀. 聽講程度中等,唔高亦唔算太低 |
honeybma | 2007-11-14 15:11 |
我幫個仔報培道都係朋友個仔讀緊話貪佢程度深,其他佢都無提.我覺得校舍好細,因為部份設備要同小學共用,例如:操場、圖書館、電腦語言學習室、禮堂、花圃、醫療室等 Quote:原文章由 ppsfung 於 07-11-14 14:31 硐表 我個女啱啱插班入讀. 聽講程度中等,唔高亦唔算太低
[ 本文章最後由 honeybma 於 07-11-14 15:31 編輯 ] |
mimi_mama | 2007-11-14 15:28 |
Hello, My daugther also applied this year. Can the kindergarten directly promote to its primary school, and then secondary school? I also think the school itself is rather small but the students and teachers' performance are expressed to me at the open day. |
honeybma | 2007-11-14 20:16 |
[ 本文章最後由 honeybma 於 07-11-14 20:23 編輯 ] |
ppsfung | 2007-11-15 11:48 |
ppsfung | 2007-11-15 11:52 |
honeybma | 2007-11-23 04:24 |
catw88 | 2008-02-04 18:37 |
我女女讀緊k1,老實講我覺得不過不失.. 佢而家番學0既書好多我個女n1時已學..所以無咩驚喜..不過女女話都算開心囉.. 我比較滿意係佢地d中文程度..因為我好多朋友係子女都未開始學中文字但培道k1上學期已學:天,口,人,日,門,床,腳.....都ok啦~ |
catw88 | 2008-02-04 18:41 |
[ 本文章最後由 catw88 於 08-3-4 23:35 編輯 ] |